Okezuo Abia a divine project.

Posted by Uche Aguoru. | 9 years ago | 4,011 times

When David volunteered himself to come forward to fight Goliath in a battle between the Israelites and the Philistines no body gave him the chance even amongst his own brethren,  in their canal mindedness they looked at him as a little boy who cannot defeat the giant Goliath in a battle which has lasted for so many years and has taken the head of so many warriors amongst the two warring tribes, not knowing that God had decided to  make a leader out of David  to liberate the Israelites.

So it was when Dr Okezie Ikpeazu came forward to contest the PDP gubernatorial primaries in the midst of so many money bags and political heavy weights not many people gave him the chance, so many people dismissed him as having come for a popularity contest, but God in his infinite and divine wisdom chose Dr Okezie Victor  Ikpeazu PhD and gave him victory.

But like every divine assignment it comes with its own challenges and obstacles aimed at bringing out the best in the chosen one. just like David had the challenges of wearing the  warriors garb and handling the heavy sword given to him which was too heavy and weighs him down, the challenges before Dr Ikpeazu then was how to win the money bags and political heavy weights  that came out in their numbers to contest for the party's ticket, and God having armed ,and competence,wisdom, fear of God and above all Gods favour.

Little wonder his favourite song still remains "Obughi mu ji onwem, obu amara chukwu jim aka etc. (It is the grace of God that is keeping me). He recognises the fact that he cannot do it alone if not for God and the good will of Abians.

Dr Ikpeazu like the little David had been very diligent and faithful in all the tasks he had been  assigned to undertake before now.

When he served as the ASPIMS chairman he brought in so many innovations into ASPIMS and in his administrative competence he introduced passenger insurance package that allows every passenger in a commercial vehicle embarking on a journey within and outside Abia state the opportunity of having an insurance cover whereby in a situation where an accident happens, Dr Ikpeazu insures that the passenger is paid what is due to him in line with the stipulated conditions as agreed by the laws guiding the agency.

Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, PhD, assumed office as the deputy general manager Abia state environmental protection agency (ASEPA aba zone) at a time when environmental cleanliness was a very big challenge in the commercial town of Aba and Dr Ikpeazu also brought his wealth of administrative experience to bear by introducing a pattern of waste collation and disposal that simply defines innovation. In less than no time Aba became clean to the extent that even the residents of Aba who were finding it difficult before now to pay sanitation fees were now willing and ready to pay without any body chasing them around. That was because Dr Ikpeazu did what was thought at that time, "impossible" with Aba having a record of  environmental degradation as a result of the heaps of refuse that littered the streets and major roads across the commercial town of Aba, but immediately he assumed office he cleaned out the town to the admiration of all and gave Aba a new look. He also introduced and imparted on the people of Aba a new culture of waste disposal which saw the residents of Aba who were generally known as people who never obeyed the law now towing his line and making sure that their wastes are properly disposed of, he also ensured that he evacuates the tons of waste that the commercial town produces daily.
Dr Ikpeazu sees challenges as duty and makes sure he stands up to them.

Dr Okezie Ikpeazu had constantly assured Abians and Aba residents that he is ready to lead them to the promised land with his rich knowledge of Aba and Abia in general. He grew up in Aba and with Aba as his primary constituency he has a blue print on how to make Aba come back to life again. As a technocrat full of innovations he wants to turn Aba to the commercial hub of Africa which will translate into an increase in Abia IGR as well as develop the economy of the state through constructing  ring roads across the city of Aba. He is also promising to attract private investors into Aba by partnering with Geometrics for improved power generation and distribution in Aba. 
One of the major problems facing Aba is the blocking of water ways and drainages which he has vowed to use his wealth of experience as the former deputy general manager Abia state environmental protection agency to open up all blocked water channels and ensure that they are regularly maintained and cleaned.

In his words "I am not going to run Abia by depending on federal allocation alone".  He had promised to tap from the enormous wealthy potentials of Aba by improving infrastructure and building of good road network using a reputable construction firm that will open up the town for investors to come in and he has already opened talks with investors. He also promised to build industrial clusters in the commercial town of Aba which will mean a remarkable reduction to youth unemployment and reduce crime and criminal activities across Abia.

Little wonder the Aba chamber of commerce industry mines and agriculture (ACCIMA) having read his blue prints on Aba decided to support his ambition to the fullest.

Dr. Ikpeazu, himself an academician, had said that he is where he is today not because his father left silver or gold for him, but because he armed him with education and as such he sees education as the best legacy you can bequeath to a child. In line with this, he had mapped out a sound educational policy for the state whereby the state will now enjoy free education from primary all through secondary and a highly reduced tuition fees for tertiary institutions in Abia state.

Dr. Ikpeazu's housing policy is such that will be all inclusive and will be made  affordable to all classes of Abians. He has also pledged to embark on an aggressive rural road networking program that will give access to farmers, traders and their likes to their farms and local markets to enhance food production and encourage agriculture across the length and breadth of Abia state.

Dr Ikpeazu with his good knowledge and experience in leadership and administration has promised Abians a brighter future ahead. He is a man who does not promise what he can't easily deliver: a man of few words who believes more in action rather than political rhetoric.

This David of our time has come to kill the goliath of underdevelopment which Abia has been faced with due to years of underdevelopment occasioned by neglect of some of our previous leaders. With the foundation which has been laid by the present administration of Ochendo T. A. Orji and without inheriting any debt from the present administration Abians are assured of accelerated development by this great achiever who has presented himself for service to Abians just the way the biblical David presented himself to fight Goliath and God gave him  the ultimate victory that finally liberated the Israelites from the hands of the Philistines.

Our duty as Abians is to give this David of our time, in the person of Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, our votes and watch him take Abia to the land of milk and honey.

Writes from Umuahia

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