How are the mighty fallen....

Posted by admin | 9 years ago | 3,912 times

The stories coming out of Assemblies of God are heartbreaking and faith shattering. Since last year I have quietly endured the tales in the hope that somehow the Holy Spirit will take control and restore sanity.

Unfortunately it now looks like the situation is irretrievably bad and the major actors possibly under the influence of the gods of this world-money and power. Otherwise, how can one explain that Chidi Okoroafor and Paul Emeka cannot find a scripture to compel them to settle whatever is their differences?

My grandmother and mother must be weeping at the other side as they watch the unfortunate unfolding events at the church they insisted we must all attend from childhood. The same church I remember in the 70s that taught my grandmother how to read Igbo Bible at 7 Item Street Umuahia and gave my mum several enlargement campaigns awards at 53C Okigwe road, Ehere-Ogbor and Amamba-Ukpo Abiriba is now lying prostrate because of two men who must fight to finish for the heart and soul of the church with the legendary Rev Osueke watching his own interest and forgetting God's interest.

How are the mighty falling in the midst of battle.

I know Rev Chidi Okoroafor mostly from his tapes though I have seen him once at an event. May be I have listened to as many as 50 messages from him and saw him as a consummate preacher of the word and a role model for younger pastors like Ogboso Ejindu and Humphrey Erumaka. I must have missed when and how he emerged as General Superintendent of AG but I remember when Prof Paul Emeka took over from Rev Dr Osueke. The emergence of Prof gave me hope that the church will rapidly reform and transform itself to give my current church, Redeemed Christian Church, a good run for membership. (I almost typed a good run for money). After all, Redeemed as we now know it is the product of the spiritual and physical hard work of another academician, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, under God's guidance. I even harbored private hopes that Prof Paul will do so well that I will return to the church of my first love. But alas....otu abughi ezi!!!

How and when Chidi Okoroafor emerged as General Superintendent (GS) is something I completely missed and possibly didn't expect because Osueke served for so long that I assumed a GS cannot be changed while he is still young and able to do the job. I must have been mistaken or may be rules have changed to ensure periodic election of the GS. I don't know what the true position is and may be don't care to know because I already know that behind every intractable struggle in the church you will find money and power as root causes. While money "answereth all things" it is still "the root of all evil", even in the Church of God. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and those who have tasted it or desire it desperately can do anything for it. It doesn't matter what type of power, power is power and have same effect on all. (Even electric power is not excluded)

Please don't tell me Chidi and Paul are fighting for God. God is not a God of division and Jesus ended his ministry on earth with a prayer for the church: "that they may be one". That translates to unity in the church. Anywhere you find disunity in the church it means the gods of money and power have taken over. Of course that shouldn't be unexpected because Judas took money and betrayed Jesus. Paul and Peter struggled for power in the Bible until Paul wisely returned to Jerusalem and subjected himself to Peter's authority.

Who will tell Paul and Chidi to repent and save AG from satan's plot against the Church of God? Are there no longer Holy Spirit filled and tearful leaders in AG that can truthfully speak out and tell these men to sheath their divisive carnal swords and focus on doing God's work of evangelism and winning of souls for Christ? What exactly is Osueke's interest in this matter that has made him keep quiet or back one party to the conflict? Can't he sacrifice that interest to save the church this odium? I do not want to comment on the rumors I heard but still believe that these men and their other colleagues rooting for one faction or another were all once truly born again and zealous for the Lord. Surely there must be something left in them to appeal to their conscience to save the church of God from satanic disgrace.

If you ask me, all the pastors of AG need revival. All of them should be kept in a room and made to sing this popular AG hymn at least 1000 times.

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

All glory and praise
To the God of all grace,
Who hast brought us, and sought us,
And guided our ways.

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

Revive us again;
Fill each heart with Thy love;
May each soul be rekindled
With fire from above.

Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Hallelujah! Amen.
Hallelujah! Thine the glory.
Revive us again.

After that the church should ask Chidi, Paul and Osueke to step away for others to come and revive and re-position my beloved AG. The harvest is plenty but new laborers are needed.

"How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle"-2Samuel 1:25a

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