Abiriba Community Partners with NGO to promote education

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In its bid to sensitize and bring all the public

schools in the federation on board its education

programme,SWG-F in conjuction with the

Education Committee of Abiriba Communal

Improvement Union (ACIU) on 13th of November

2015 hosted Abiriba Public schools cum students

comprising of Onarubi Secondary Technical

School,Egwuena Girls Secondary School and

Enuda High School at Erinma Town Hall Abiriba in


CONDUCIVE PLATFORM: Giving the youths the

conducive platform to excel in life.

The gathering being the foundation's 2nd outing

as a Civil Society Organization for students in

secondary schools was equally the second project

to be undertaken by the young NGO and was


to engage the students in a one on one interactive

and educative session with the seasoned resource

persons that graced the event,in order to

educate,inspire,motivate and build them to attain

greater heights in future bearing in mind that in

life education is the key for a successful living.

This came after its first official flag off and

education programme at Ehere Community

Comprehensive Secondary School,Ehere,Ogbor Hill

Aba,Abia State on 23rd of October,2015.

The Professor of Environment and Toxicology

from Michael Okpara University of Agriculture

Umudike in Abia State,Prof.Patrick Ogwo while

delivering his speech on the topic titled " THE

POWER OF DETERMINATION" said that said that

"determined people stand out as tough leaders

who finish whatever they set out to accomplish in

life and he went further to say that the power of

determination is one of the key factors between

those who constantly achieve success versus

those who give up on their dreams to live

comfortably in the valley of mediocrity" etc. He

thanked the founder of the organisation Lady

Grace Nma Sunshine for coming up with this

laudable initiative and prayed for more grace upon


Prof.Mkpa Agu Mkpa,Fmr.Commisioner of

education in Abia State,Fmr.Vice Chancellor of

Abia State University Uturu and Fmr.Secretary

General to Abia State Government in his response

to the speech delivered by Prof.Patrick said that

determination in life is the key to a successful

living and that education is the basic tool one

need to equip his or herself with in this life. He

encouraged the students to be more focused and

serious in their studies and promised to give an

award of excellence to the most well behaved

students in each of the schools come next year at

this event again.

Speaking at the occasion the king of the land in

the person of HRM Eze Kalu Kalu Ogbu ,The

Enachioken of Abiriba Community (IV) motivated

the students to be the best in all they have set

out to achieve in life. He went further to call out

some of the students and asking them on

individual basis what they would wish to be in life

and the responses were amazing . He called on

all the Abiriba stake holders,education loving

individuals,all the tiers of the government and

corporate bodies to come out and support SWG-F

in this initiative including funding agencies both

locally and internationally to enable them reach

out to as many students in public schools as

possible. He promised to assist in his own way to

make this vision a success and went further to

list out three categories of awards he will be

giving out to the students come next year at the

next event. The awards includes : The best

student in Poetry,in Mathematics and the

youngest innovator in Abiriba land. He unveiled

the foundation stickers,awards and educational

materials given out to the participants at the


Prof.Anya.O.Anya the Pro Chancellor of Micheal

Okpara University Of Agriculture Umudike who

graced the event with his beloved wife expressed

his delight on this educative and informative

program organised by SWG-F in Abiriba. He went

further to admonish the students on the need to

be serious in life ,making good use of their time

and on the importance of education . He went on

to present an award of excellence to Prof.Mkpa

Agu Mkpa by the foundation.

The different schools in attendance made some

presentations including quiz competitions and

awards given to them based on their performance

by Hon.Chris Nwokocha,the Chairman of ACIU

Education Committee who also delivered the final

lecture on the topic "What Education Can Do For

You ". He said that education is a touch light

showing us the true path of our life and that an

educated man is said to be erudite,instructed,p­

roficient,well informed, enlightened etc.

The welcome address was given by the founder

Lady Grace Nma Sunshine at the beginning of the

event ,she also encouraged the students to be

determined in life as SWG-F have come to provide

that conducive platform for them to excel in life.

She thanked everyone for coming to honour the

invitation and promised never to relent in this

school outreaches ,calling for sponsorship and

support from all lovers of education especially the

Government ,individuals and corporate bodies. It

was a huge and successful event.

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