Governor Murtala Nyako Impeached

Posted by FactNews Admin | 10 years ago | 5,419 times

Our sources in Yola have confirmed the impeachment of Governor Murtala Nyako of Adamawa State by the members of the State House of Assembly after the resignation of  the Deputy Governor, Bala Ngilari, earlier today.

This followed the submission of the investigative report of the panel set up by the Chief Judge of Adamawa State sequel to the resolution of the state legislators in line with section 188 of the 1999 constitution, as amended. The report by the panel found him guilty of 16 allegations of impropriety bothering on financial misconduct. 17 members of the 25 members house voted to impeach him.

With this development, Governor Nyako popularly called Mai Mangoro is the first governor to be impeached since the inception of the Goodluck Jonathan administration. 

Vice Admiral Murtala Nyako (rtd), GCON, CFR: rcds, D.Agric. (H.C.) Assumed office as  elected Executive Governor of Adamawa State, Nigeria, on May 29th 2007 and was re-elected on PDP ticket in 2011. Prior to then he served in the Navy, at one time being military governor of Niger State, and being appointed Chief of Naval Staff in December 1989. He recently left the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for opposition All Peoples Congress (APC) and became a strong critic of incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan of PDP. 

He is married to several women who alternated the office of "First Lady" and held different positions in his government. Allegations of improper behaviour have trailed his regime since 2008.

What the law says...

188. (1) The Governor or Deputy Governor of a state may Removal of Governor be removed from office in accordance with the provisions or Deputy Governor of this section. from office.
(2) Whenever a notice of any allegation in writing signed by not less than one-third of the members of the House of Assembly.
(b) stating that the holder of such office is guilty of gross misconduct in the performance of the functions of his office, detailed particulars of which shall be specified.
the speaker of the House of Assembly shall, within seven days of the receipt of the notice, cause a copy of the notice to be served on the holder of the office and on each member of the House of Assembly, and shall also cause any statement made in reply to the allegation by the holder of the office, to be served on each member of the House of Assembly.
(3) Within fourteen days of the presentation of the notice to the speaker of the House of Assembly (whether or not any statement was made by the holder of the office in reply to the allegation contained in the notice-, the House of Assembly shall resolve by motion, without any debate whether or not the allegation shall be investigated.

(4) A motion of the House of Assembly that the allegation be investigated shall not be declared as having been passed unless it is supported by the votes of not less than two-thirds majority of all the members of the House of Assembly.

(5) Within seven days of the passing of a motion under the foregoing provisions of this section, the Chief judge of the State shall at the request of the speaker of the House of Assembly, appoint a Panel of seven persons who in his opinion are of unquestionable integrity, not being members of any public service, legislative house or political party, to investigate the allegation as provided in this section.

(6) The holder of an office whose conduct is being investigated under this section shall have the right to defend himself in person or be represented before the panel by a legal practitioner of his own choice.

(7) A Panel appointed under this section shall -

(a) have such powers and exercise its functions in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed by the House of Assembly; and
(b) within three months of its appointment, report its findings to the House of Assembly.

(8) Where the Panel reports to the House of Assembly that the allegation has not been proved, no further proceedings shall be taken in respect of the matter.
(9) Where the report of the Panel is that the allegation against the holder of the office has been proved, then within fourteen days of the receipt of the report, the house of Assembly shall consider the report, and if by a resolution of the House of Assembly supported by not less than two-thirds majority of all its members, the report of the Panel is adopted, then the holder of the office shall stand removed form office as from the date of the adoption of the report.

(10) No proceedings or determination of the Panel or of the House of Assembly or any matter relating to such proceedings or determination shall be entertained or questioned in any court.

(11) In this section -

"gross misconduct" means a grave violation or breach of the provisions of this Constitution or a misconduct of such nature as amounts in the opinion in the House of Assembly to gross misconduct.

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