I am now a TRUMPeter

Posted by John Okiyi Kalu | 8 years ago | 3,379 times

In all the years I followed American presidential election politics I always lean towards Democrats and their candidates. I backed Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton (who actually made me fall in love with Democrats), Al Gore, Hillary (before switching to Obama in the 2008 rounds) and Obama in 2012.

Hillary lost me in 2008 for two principal reasons: she appeared over-scripted and plastic. Her efforts at being always politically correct betrayed a certain desperation for power that is ominous.
"If I knew then what I know now, I would not have voted that way." She further stated, "If this president does not get us out of Iraq, when I’m president I will."

I never supported the American invasion of Iraq (or later Libya) but I expect leaders to stand firm and defend their actions (parliamentary votes) even when it turns out to be wrong. Nobody has benefit of hindsight when making political or leadership decisions but we expect leaders to avail themselves of as much facts as possible and make time proof decisions on the basis of the facts available to them. What informed your decision to send soldiers into harms way? If you were wrong then who says you won't make more wrong fatal mistakes and disown them tomorrow? Bottom line is that at the time Hillary voted for Iraq invasion it was politically correct to do so and show bipartisan support. Many still voted against it and were vilified then. Disavowing her vote that gave her much sought after positive reviews at the time but later turned out to be wrong choice seemed unpresidential to me.

From that point through the primaries I changed my mind about her in favor of the sweet talking Obama who admitted previous drug use without minding political consequences. Two months before the election I projected Obama's victory and it turned out that way.

Today, I am a testimony to the effectiveness of the Donald J. Trump unscripted campaign style. He has effectively taken me away from the Democrats even when I was an early Clinton enthusiast because of my fondness for Bill and strong women.

Just like 2008, Hillary is running as an old order candidate using the script of the same people who have failed to deliver change in Washington and are confused on how to handle ISIS and the growing Islamist triumphalism.

I blame Washington for the rise of ISIS and Boko Haram because these groups sensed leadership confusion and expanded their evil operations. To me only leaders who don't care about political correctness can peg back ISIS and Boko Haram by deploying overwhelming military and social force to defeat them. That includes calling out Muslims and Arabs who have failed to do the needful to deny Islamic terror organizations spiritual and community protection.

In this age of social media, spontaneous unscripted candidates with appeal to young voters will certainly do well. Raving and ranting are acceptable attributes of the Internet rage age.

The rage generation will not vote those they see as representing the status quo and once a candidate who can play at social media is able to garner strong and intact voting base support he will beat establishment candidates anytime anyday.

People "rave and rant" like Trump at social media, so Trump is not committing harakiri with his much condemned style. Hillary is at best a proxy player at social media whereas Trump is seen as being part of the social media crowd whereas Hillary is categorized among those social media was invented to fight: political establishment.

Trump's so called "angry American voter" will not leave him no matter what happens. Their ranks can only grow, not diminish. You cannot lose an election with an intact growing base. In summary, it is likelier for Hillary voters to be churned and as the polls approach she will lose many supporters to Trump.

For those Nigerians who still believe Trump won't be POTUS because of the poll numbers coming out of America, let me remind them that in 2007 Hillary held an even stronger poll lead over Obama. Yet she was defeated by him for same reason that Americans saw her as untrustworthy. Moreover, our own recent history confirm the electoral viability of Trumpism.

President Buhari had more negatives than any former elected leader of Nigeria including the fact that he could not even produce a school certificate and was tainted with irrefutable religious and ethnic bigotry. Yet his almajirin-Omo Nile base stood firm for him to the point of voting for "NEPA certificate" and disregarding his obvious age disadvantage.

I do not believe Trump is anti-Blacks or anti-Africa for that matter. He is just a man who says his mind on issues while his opponents say what is politically correct even when they have other things in mind. I make bold to state that Trump ideas and opinions represent the true feeling of the majority of Americans in politics and the street. He is just more honest than others.

Supporting Hillary because of "preservation of Obama legacies" is nothing but balderdash. Hillary has never been an Obama fan but merely plotting to ride on him to power. If there is any legacy for her to preserve it will be the non-Monica Lewisky legacies of Bill Clinton.

Even then, what exactly did Obama do for blacks and Africa? Are blacks better off under his watch or worse? Even here in Nigeria he literally abandoned Nigeria to be destroyed by insurgent Boko Haram terrorists while mouthing incoherent excuses of human rights abuses by Nigerian soldiers. After Obama and Hillary prevaricated on listing Boko Haram as a terrorist organization she and Obama's wife used #BringBackOurGirls campaign for photo-ops PR benefit and then continued with their indifference to the fact that those girls are still missing after 2 years.

Where are Obama's positive footprints in Africa? He and Hillary destabilized Libya, supervised the rise of Islamic terrorism through pacifism and ultimately aided the economic decline of Nigeria by refusing to buy our oil and working for total collapse of oil prices.

Republican presidents actually favor Africa with trade and security. We need the return of investment from top American companies like Halliburton. Not Obama's TelePrompTer speeches. How many new or old American companies are still doing business in Nigeria today? Is that the Obama legacy you want to protect and continue with Hillary?

Nigerian immigrants to USA are probably the most educated and most hardworking immigrant group in USA. They have nothing to fear with Trump's plan to make America great again by stopping the flow of Middle East terrorists to US. Those that should fear are bad African leaders that continue to junket to America instead of staying at home to lead well. Trump will not endorse loans and grants to African countries with corrupt or inept leaders. Rather he will pressure them to change or ship out of power. If African countries are working there won't be need to flock American embassies in search of immigrant visas.

Nigerians in America should ignore fear mongering orchestrated against Trump and go out and vote for him in the remaining primaries and presidential election. Show him love and make him your friend because he will surely be the next President of the United State of America.

My quiet reviews and analysis backed by historical facts categorically confirm President Donald J. Trump and I have enlisted as a proud TRUMPeter.

John Okiyi Kalu
Email: john@johnokiyikalu.com
Twitter: @johnokiyikalu

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