Abia crises is not about Ukwa/Ngwa versus "Ohuhu"

Posted by admin | 8 years ago | 3,010 times

With all sense of responsibility, I write this note to dispel the growing insinuations that the current political crises in Abia State is between Ukwa/Ngwa nation and others called "Ohuhu" or old Bende.

It is purely a political struggle between the forces of good led by Governor Okezie Ikpeazu and dark unconscionable political opportunists desperately seeking to seize power through the opprobrious backdoor.

In this struggle, I believe that majority of political leaders and common folks from the old Bende division are solidly behind the Governor, just like a minority of Ngwa people might be against him. At online social media I have read pro-Ogah posts written by individuals from even Obingwa and pro-Okezie posts by people from old Bende block of the state. Outside social media same observation is valid.

The current crises is simply power struggle, albeit of the undesirable negative type, with potentials to slow down development and fractionate a hitherto unified state  if not we'll managed. Unfortunately, it is only in Abia State that satanic forces have congregated to continue to sow evil seeds 17 months after the elections and more than 6 months after the Supreme Court confirmed that Governor Ikpeazu was validly elected.

While I recognize that Uche Ogah's inconsiderate quest for power and immunity from prosecution as well as his unfortunate attempt to execute a civilian coup in Abia may have been the immediate precursor of the current crises, it is still important to note that this whole nonsense started from an Ukwa/Ngwa man called F N Nwosu who sought to reap where he did not sow and allowed his greed for power to shut his ears to pleas by well meaning Abians who knew for a fact that Governor Ikpeazu did not default in payment of his tax.

If Mr Friday Nwosu had not approached Uche Ogah with his evil plans that one wouldn't have "guyed" him and started his own inordinate quest for power. Furthermore, while incendiary elements within and outside Igbo land with anti-Igbo agenda may have hijacked the legal processes and the associated politics to pursue their own agenda of either making money from our people or destabilizing an Igbo state for their masters, it is still important to point out that both Uche and Nwosu did not take permission from any Igbo or Abia community before embarking on their ill advised opprobrious quest for power. If Uche and Nwosu had invited Isuikwuato and Obingwa people, respectively, to a meeting before starting off I can confidently say that the majority would have said "don't destabilize Abia".

It is therefore a great disservice to truth and good conscience to allow people desecrate the peaceful brotherly struggle by alluding to one group being against another in Abia.

In any case, some of the strongest supporters of the Governor, including me, are from "Ohuhu" or Old Bende. Likewise, the Governor retains overwhelming support from Ukwa la Ngwa political elites and common folks who see hope of a greater Abia in him based on his antecedents, nature, capacity and love for the whole of Abia State and Nigeria.

At a town hall meeting held at Obehie in Abia South senatorial zone on the 20th of June 2016, Governor Ikpeazu told the mammoth crowd of mostly Ukwa/Ngwa people the following:

"My dear brothers and sisters from Ukwa/Ngwa, it is true that I am one of you, it is also true that we've not been governor until now, but I am the Governor of Abia State, and not just the Governor of Ukwa/Ngwa people.
"So when I want to take decisions about our state, I will think of Abia as a state and not Abia South or Ukwa/Ngwa. This is one truth that I must tell you.

"I know where I come from, and our brothers and sisters from Old Bende know that I come from somewhere. We must be fair to every Abian and visitors in our land."

The massive support of Ukwa la Ngwa people for the Governor is naturally expected because his charity indeed began from home to the wider Abia society long before he became Governor. Just like the pockets of opposition from that base is also expected because even Joseph's brothers had to sell him for him to become what God destined him to be. Every great dream and push attracts envy, starting from home. Old Bende people, like their Ukwa/Ngwa brethren, also have political fortune seekers who might have reasons to oppose the Governor.

Adversity from home or abroad does not stop great men from excelling because all great leaders know that for an aircraft to even take off from home (Tarmac) it must face the wind and defeat it first at the Airport. Governor Okezie knows that very well, hence he glides on like an eagle.

Since I was born, to now that I am old, I have never seen darkness defeat light in a contest. Just like I have never seen a permanent triumph of evil over good.

Ultimately Governor Ikpeazu will triumph and serve our dear state creditably till 2023 (I know his achievements will re-elect him in 2019) but we must avoid spending part of those remaining years to repair damaged inter-communal relationships. Do not say or do things that are capable of widening our line of division, even under provocation.

I am aware of the social media and telephone threats to many Okezie supporters by nonentities displaying their horrible home training. Please ignore them and remain focused, after the reggae the law will play the blues for some to dance.

The standard for measuring success or victory in Abia political struggles remain unchanged: we don't shed blood for power.

Every well meaning Abian should take this to the bank: we shall pray and put in every possible effort to ensure the vindication of Governor Ikpeazu as well as end the distractions to his government. His hands will surely be strengthened to deliver on his programs aimed at making Abia the greatest state in Nigeria.

Aka Chukwu di ya, onweghi ihe madu puru ime. Onye emegbula Nwanne ya maka ochichi.

It normally ends in praise when the man of praise, Dr Okezie Chibuike Victor Ikpeazu, is involved.

Stand firm and don't shake or look back like Lot's wife, so you don't join many that will turn to pillars of salt after this crises.

Ya gazie!


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