ABIA: Isialangwa South Chairmanship aspirant quit the race over Party's supremacy

Posted by Admin | 8 years ago | 2,605 times

A major contender in the forthcoming Abia council poll, Ubani Dannie, chairmanship aspirant for Isialangwa South Local government, has annouced his withdrawal from the race. Ubani made the announcement via a statement he released this morning. He said his decision to quit the race was "borne out my deference to a particular leader whom I have come to admire and respect greatly, and out of my loyalty to the supremacy of my party, PDP."

The statement reads thus;

"It is with a heavy but hopeful heart that I announce my withdrawal from the chairmanship race of Isiala Ngwa South this morning. This very difficult decision is borne out my deference to a particular leader whom I have come to admire and respect greatly, and out of my loyalty to the supremacy of my party, PDP.

"To you, my ardent supporters and the good people of Isiala Ngwa South whose interest propelled me into the race in the first place, I know how disappointing this will be to you but I doubt if we can do any better under the present circumstance. We would not give up this fight if there was a chance that we would prevail.

"The last three weeks have been a very demanding one for those of us in the NEW DEAL TEAM. We have tranversed all the nooks and crannies of Isiala Ngwa South. I have visited your homes, I visited your churches, I visited your farms, I visited your community halls. You have greatly honored me even as voilated your privacy. No single door was shut against me even at very odd hours. You poured out your souls to me and expressed great expectations in my coming. What a rare privilege it would have been serving you this time and charting a new course for you with your commonwealth. The disappointment of the moment notwithstanding, be rest assured that I heard your stories. I know your struggles, I know your fears, I know your hopes. They are more part of me now than ever. And I will never forget you and I'll never stop fighting for you.

"My teaming supporters, especially the youths, can I ever pretend not to know your feelings of despondency at the moment? I sure do because I've been there myself. Do not despair. This fight is all about you. It's all about securing a better tomorrow for you and I and our children. It's all about discovering our collective destiny and fulfilling it. And you can take this from me - this fight has just begun. We may have lost a battle but certainly not the war. Moreover, defeat and victory are both sides of the same coin; in each lies the seeds of the other. The thought of leaving the trenches should not even cross our mind. Let us fight on. We still have a date with history and we can't afford to betray posterity.

My teaming supporters, especially the youths, can I ever pretend not to know your feelings of despondency at the moment? I sure do because I've been there myself. Do not despair. Believe this and shour it aloud - this fight of securing a better tomorrow for you has just begun. We may have lost a battle but ceerainly not the war. Moreover, defeat and victory are both sides of the same coin; in each lies the seeds of the other. The thought of leaving the trenches should not even cross our mind. Let us fight on.

"And to the average Isiala Ngwa South person, you have greatly honored me in this struggle as you always do. You have done me one great honor of talking to you and of being heard. I seized the privilege of your audience to express my vision to you even as I paint a clear picture of your future as I envisage it. By the rapt attention you paid me, you may not know but you steeled my resolve; by unbuttoning your heart to me, you lifted my spirit; by your open show of love and solidarity, you greatly reinforced my strength. My quitting this race does not amount to betraying your trust and neither does it in any way subtract from the pertinence of our struggle. As we bow out, my milk of human kindness flows in the direction of the poor, the unemployed, the hopeless, the less privileged, the cheated, the deprived, the elderly, the handicapped, the helpless and he who can't help himself. You guys sure need us more than ever. It's your care that forced me into the ring in the first place, and for your sake I had wished this race ended up with a different outcome.

"You can never get to know the high cost of electioneering campaign on family convenience untill you mount the saddle especially, if you are the family type. Therefore, my sincere gratitude goes to my dear wife, Ugomuo for the many hours of keeping vigil and waiting for the arrival of her husband who has suddenly turned a night bird. As I toured the whole length and breadth of Isiala Ngwa South mostly in the night with my team, she would erect a praying altar, keeping vigil and ever ready to serve food whenever we touch base, and this is always in the wee hours. Ugomuo, you have always known it - you remain the best deal I have ever negotiated. Many thanks. To my joy, Nwamuo, my long absence from you has taken such a long toll on you that you longer remember my usual lullaby. Dont worry. Dady is home for good and will make it up for you", he said

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