Please help end mob actions - By John Okiyi Kalu

Posted by Admin | 8 years ago | 2,949 times

I watched a video posted at Facebook today where a young lady accused of involvement in "one chance" was stripped naked and beaten mercilessly by a mob that included people of both sexes.

It was a barbaric image that should be unacceptable to anyone with any sense of decency. Seeing people even sexually abuse the suspect was disheartening, to say the least. What is the relationship between fingering a subdued person and fighting crime? Only a criminal will do that.

You are not the police. But you have the power to arrest and hand over a suspect to the police. Not to beat the suspect or humiliate him/her.

It is a crime to beat, humiliate or harass a suspect under any guise. Those engaged in such actions should stop immediately. We are not in the Stone Age. This is the era of rule of law and no matter what evidence you think compels mob action it is absolutely wrong and punishable in law.

Don't tell me that you know the wheel of Justice is slow in Nigeria or that a suspect will bribe the police and escape justice. Just present your evidence to the police and leave the rest to the law.

It is better for 20 criminals to escape the law than for one innocent person to be killed or humiliated by a mob. Based on what I have read over time, most victims of mob actions are either innocent people set up by others or least violent criminals. There is no mob that can arrest a real robber armed with AK 47 with multiple rounds. Only petty thieves looking for food might be caught, killed and denied the opportunity to repent and contribute positively to the society.

Odikwanugh nma!

If you were killed by a mob for all your past sins and mistakes you won't be reading this. In fact I can boldly state that only hardened criminals can kill others in cold blood under any circumstances.

Whenever you see people mobbing anyone please rush and invite law enforcement agents or call police emergency numbers. If you can't get a security team to intervene on time please organize a counter mob to arrest the suspect and take him/her to the nearest police station.

Truth be told, most of those in a killer mob gang don't even know what the victim did to deserve death. They are merely powered by monstrous mob mentality which gives cover to cowards to unleash mayhem on others.

Only the weak unleash violence on others.

You can help stop mob killings today, knowing that tomorrow you might be a victim and others will have to save you or you perish wrongly.

Let us all make commitments today to end mob actions. It is barbaric, cowardly and indefensible.


Read this, folks.

-Written by McGinger Ibeneme

Last night, a young woman told me a chilling story of her horrifying experience in the hands of a Nigerian man, a cheering Nigerian mob and abating Nigerian security apparatus.

She and her friend were engaged as dancers by a man to display in a burial. After the event, they were kept together in a hotel room to leave the next day. She said she woke up suddenly when she felt hands caressing her body which roused her from sleep, only to see that the man had sneaked into her bed. Apparently he woke her friend and asked her to excuse him so that he could achieve his evil intentions.
She was livid with rage for the man wanting to take advantage of her and she lashed out to the man. He cajoled, begged, threatened and whatever to the girls dissing. He now said "watch me mess up your life, I will tell you am a man and it's my world..."

This threat he more than carried out. What happened next changed the lads life permanently as she kept saying to me "men are 😈 evil, I hate men, I hate this country... " interjected with sobs and sorrow. A couple of tears dropped off my own eyes. This life!

This evil man raised alarm that the girl had stolen his penis!!!

The hotel staff and security called out people to help catch and deal with a penis stealing woman.
You can imagine her confusion. Was this a joke or what? She couldn't even say anything, she was too confused, too shocked, too embarrassed to say anything. And they dragged her around. Pushing and shoving. " Ashawo onye ori amu return his penis now" They called her unprintable names. People gathered to shame her. Some claimed they knew her and she had done it before. The mob court was set up and she was dutifully condemned. Some suggested to burn her alive. Some said to cut her hands with knife. All the while the shoving and tearing of cloths and slapping were going on.
The evil man claimed she used a ring on her finger to touch his penis and it disappeared. She was wearing 50 naira costume ring.
Her friend ran away. She has no father, her mom was sick in the village.

SARS people were called in to deal with her,  either by torturing her or outright shooting her dead as they do.

With their arrival, more intense shoving and slapping and cursing. Versions of how girls are mostly spirits moving around and stealing men's destinies and penises emerged. The SARS guys claimed they had handled such cases and will deal with the girl. They terrorized her with gun cocking on her head. She was screaming and begging that she didn't do anything to the man. That they should even check his penis. Can you believe that all the while the Nigerian mob court held, no one bothered to check for the penis inside his trousers? He was a man, accusing an "ashawo ",that was enough. God at this point touched someone to ask to see the penis point. Only to find a shrivelled bedevilled penis lying limp in its normal position!

Wait... The terror isn't over yet.
He now claimed that it had stopped "working " after she touched him with her ring. That he knew his penis and how it worked. Do you know they still believed him up till this point?

Someone called in a hooker and paid her to go in with the man. They didn't tell her what the deal was. Hurray the dick stood up! The man came out grinning from ear to ear. The crowd started dispersing. He got a few slap from the SARS guys. The girl was told to forgive and forget. " No mind this useless man"

She was scarred permanently. She was only 20 years.


McGinger Ibeneme

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