Who is this Zik sef (1); by Kelechi Deca

Posted by Admin | 8 years ago | 3,491 times

Rt. Hon. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe has no equal in Nigeria, he is peerless in Africa. He is Primus Inter Pares. No other African living of dead had a transnational influence outside his country in the mold of Zik. 
Yes there are several outstanding sons of Africa who worked hard and were also inducted in Africa's Hall of Political Fame, but Zik stands taller in the sense that through his activism two of Africa leading lights, Nigeria and Ghana gained freedom from Britain.
Let me tell you a little of who Zik is, if your ego will allow you to read.
As at 1928, when majority of men and women in some of your villages were still walking around naked, and not even a primary school was located 20 kilometers from some of your houses, Zik was already at Howard University in the United States.
Zik moved from Howard to Lincoln University where in 1930, he graduated double honors in Philosophy and Politics and pursued his Masters in Politics in 1931 with another Maters in Anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania in 1933.
Mind you as at this time, there was still apartheid and slavery in the United States. But that did not deter him, he went on to start his  doctoral work at the prestigious Columbia University same 1933 and completed the academic work and research but something happened which made him to defer the defence of his thesis and chose to return to Africa..Go and search google to know how many black people in the world that were studying for their doctorate as at early 1930's.
He was not called Zik of Africa for no reason.
In 1935, Zik used his doctoral degree dissertation to fight the international community's evil plan to recolonise Liberia. At at that time there were plans by the international community to use Liberia's debt as excuse to withdraw its sovereignty and place it  as a Trust Legate.
Zik saw this as a draw back to his plans to help liberate Africa, so his doctoral dissertation was on the implications of forcing Liberia towards a debt overhang by the international community. He then published it as Liberia in World Politics,a book that raised great awareness on that evil plan, and used the proceeds to embark on a journey back to Africa.
-Kelechi Deca

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