Family as a Social and Economic Unit of any Nation

Posted by Factnews | 7 years ago | 3,818 times

I must celebrate the Day of The Family with the world with this offering for volition, thought and action of all citizens of this world. Humanity is connected by God’s Love that powered Creation into existence. It is impossible to cage the human spirit. It is possible to direct the human spirit to its role of Love.

A nuclear family (a man and a woman) exists because of male and female organs inherent in both sexes. People are guided to one another as opposite sexes by their spirits whether they be positive or negative. Each human being male or female creates the threads of fate that connects each to a spouse. If they be negative or positive, experience of either is deserved for there is no error in Creation.

A positive experience in nuclear family union, indicates that male and female parties in the union deserve each other and are prepared to work together for the lightening of their spirits. This positive experience shows in continuing growth of peace and happiness in the family by sharing of both joys and sorrows that both parties attract to the family unit. Where joy is not attracted, both spouses are responsible for the condition. They did not deserve each other and must separate from one another in order to find individual joy and fulfillment elsewhere. Cohabiting under joyless conditions breeds cataclysm, not only to the family but the community to which that family belongs. It is necessary to examine congruency of spouses before marriage through courting for a reasonable spell to establish harmony of spirits.

The density or lightness of each human spirit is the commanding factor in any relationship. Dense human spirits are bound to pursue ephemeral interests. Light human spirits pursue enduring interests. It is essential that interests must be congruent for harmony and fulfillment to be attained by spouses and children from such spouses.

The most potent goal in a union of man and woman is spread of love and care to all who come in contact with that union. It manifests in giving without expectation of reward to all who need. It does not have to resources only. It includes time, counsel, care and above all love in the consciousness that love binds all good people together. It outlives all other gifts and determines the lightness of human spirits for positive activity in Creation. Where there is love in a family, genuine spirits aggregate there and seek help for further ascent spiritually. The influence of such a family grows exponentially through time. A family that has love radiates light and attracts love and care of light spirits. A positive world is built on the rock of family love that accumulates and disseminates love and care.
The world currently lacks love in the family. Love cannot grow in a community, in nations and cannot radiate grow in the whole world. Conflicts in vain pursuits have become our global inheritance. Greed has developed into a mammoth dragon that spews fire on aggregate of unwholesome spirits that may be the cause of the destruction of human race as we now know it.

Let us start love again in the family where everyone contributes to social life on the basis of talents. Our traditional communities were bonded by honour and respect for elders. Members of family contributed their quota in love to the family and shared from energy pooled by everyone with dedication and diligence. Great men in our traditional communities were bastions of love and care until the Whiteman came to our shores. We now know greed and avarice and have lost love almost completely. Our children now seek to reap where they have not sowed. We are doomed unless our families reposition love and care. Marriages are now contracted on the basis of lust and greed. It is now evident that life is now brutish and short for absence of family love. The family composes community and communities compose a nation especially here in Africa where urbanization was not widespread until the Whiteman had need of our resources.

A good nuclear family leaves legacy of care and concern for own children and all who come in contact with that family. A good nuclear family passes goodwill down to survivors leading to deserved accumulation of wealth and goodwill if properly managed by survivors. A good name has always been, is and will always be worthier than gold. A good man looks for a better family and community than he met until he stops breathing. A good woman hankers for the betterment of majority in any community with acts of love and care. A good woman and a good woman are remembered for all time by the human spirits they assisted to find fulfillment. A good man and a good woman makes an ideal family that could be appropriate building block for a healthier and happier nation.

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