Posted by Factnews | 7 years ago | 2,733 times

By Kingsley Maduforo

The governor of Abia State, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu is running a purpose-driven government. The intention to run a purpose-driven government which was revealed by the Governor during the electionerring campaigns has never been found wanting especially in the course of pursuing its purpose, unlike the change mantra which never comes. One of the promises Gov. Ikpeazu made is to ensure the security of the lives and properties of Abians. His effort at keeping this promise is manifest in the massive transformation and support his administration has given security agencies in the state in tackling the menace of insecurity inherited from previous administrations. I stand to be quoted wrong if I say that leadership without purpose and good template is akin to a blind leading the blind. This is however, not the case with Gov. Ikpeazu and Abians.

There is a clear link between security and development. The 2003 European Security Strategy and the 2005 European Consensus on Development acknowledge that there cannot be sustainable development without peace and security and that without development and poverty eradication, there will be no sustainable peace. Insecurity therefore, has enormous cost in terms of human, financial and infrastructural resources. And for development to take place, tackling insecurity first is a necessity. Insecurity not only deter investment, hinder trade, divert public social expenditure, and hamper access to education, health and other basic services; it also severely weakens democracy and the provision of its dividends which is one of the core values Gov. Ikpeazu has the aim of promoting in the state.

Threats to security can have socio-economic roots namely: contest over natural resources, spill-over effects of environmental degradation, socio-economic inequality, economic and political migration, and natural disasters. There are several cases of insecurity and their consequent implication to socio-economic development. Available data on the level and dimensions of insecurity in Abia State reveal and increase over time which constitute serious threat to lives and properties, hindrance to business activities and discouragement to local and foreign investors. All of these stifle and retard Abia's socio-economic development.

In the light of the above and not minding the fact that security is a collective responsibility, the Gov. Ikpeazu-led administration has been proactive in dealing with issues of insecurity and threats to lives in the state through modern method of intelligence and information sharing among security personnels, training and motivation of personnels, provision of necessary logistics and the deployment of advanced technology in the management of the challenges insecurity in the state. The Governor acknowledges the fact that the real solution lies on his government accelerating the pace of economic development in the state through the creation of an economy with relevant socio-economic and physical infrastructure that will support business and industrial growth of the state.

Gov. Ikpeazu's effort towards tackling the problem of insecurity in the state of Abia led to the creation of a platform for whistle blowers and the offer of One Million Naira (#1,000,000.00) as reward to anyone who gives information that will lead to the apprehension of kidnappers and armed robbers in the state. The Governor also sounded a note of warning to criminals, saying that Abia State will be hot for anyone who involves himself in any violent crime. So far, success has been recorded as the government recently destroyed dens of kidnappers in Ugwunagbo LGA of the state. Gov. Ikpeazu reiterated his resolve to rid the state of kidnappers, armed robbers and other criminal elements by further providing additional vehicles, body armour and special allowance to security agents in the state in order to motivate them in the fight against crime.

Addressing the security-development nexus is therefore, an imperative moral and political obligation guiding Gov. Ikpeazu's action towards providing good governance. Building and strengthening our security system is not only a treaty obligation or a political commitment; it also is an enhancement of the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of development in Abia State. And it will also create a good economic relationship between Abia and neighbouring states and even beyond.

Abia State is regarded as the SMEs capital of Nigeria and the new home and destination for foreign investors, therefore, the safety of lives and properties of its inhabitants must be paramount in our hearts as a collective responsibility. The diversification and improvement of our economy cannot be achieved without first addressing the security challenges in the state. To this effect, Gov. Ikpeazu is putting all hands on deck in order to achieve this purpose.

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