Nigerian police tortured my brother because he has nobody -Eseoghene Al-faruq Ohwojeheri

Posted by Factnews | 7 years ago | 3,939 times

So the police caught the most crafty kidnapper in the country and i realised how wicked and heartless the Nigerian Police is as an institution.

This man, Evans as they call him, is a multibillionaire who runs a kidnap gang. He once collected a million dollars from a single person he kidnapped. When he tried to kidnap the owner of a major transport company in Nigeria, he failed but left a number of policemen with wives and children dead. Even when they came to get him, his people put up resistance and even when they were subdued he still succeeded in wounding a police man before he was caught.

After doing all these, he was caught and paraded walking, fuly clothed, speaking grammar, without a single scratch or sign of beating from the officers. Matter of fact they gave him an executive chair where he sat to grant the press interview. Compare this with the everyday "suspect" the same force arrest. Even if you are arrested for theft in this country, the moment the Police officers profile you as someone with no money or influence your first companion will be slaps, then kicks, then verbal abuse, then your shirt an troussers go off, then they call a Crime Fighter reporter who films you saying all the things they have tortured and instructed you to say while sitting on the floor with a boxer. But no, Evans was treated with respect because he was not just a criminal, he was a wealthy one.

On the other hand my brother Danjuma was a bike rider when he took a customer somewhere and the customer refused to pay. He held the customer and everyone gathered and as the people joined him to appeal to the customer to pay, a bullet casing fell from the customer's trousser. On knowing this was a criminal, Danjuma and others held him tight and called the police. Th Police comes, arrest the bullet carrying guy and asks Danjuma and few other witnesses to come and write statements of what they witnessed at the station. On getting to the station the policemen decided that they can get some more bail money so they throw both the criminal and those who reported him in cell. My brother could not understand.

WHILE THEY WERE IN POLICE CUSTODY, the Private Secretary to the then Governor of Edo State, Governor Oshiomole, was assasinated. The Governor puts a reward of millions for anyone who can help find the killers. The police goes into the prison, takes out Danjuma who simply reported a crime and two others and informed them that they killed a man who was killed in his house whereas they were in police custody! Danjuma says no, thats not possible and the police men, led by Chris Ezike, says they must confess. Chris Ezike himself tortured Danjuma and forced a pin into his private part permanently damaging his organ; we have hospital reports, we have evidence. His health situation got so bad he was almost burst with urine with nowhere to take out of his body. The pain was not imaginable.

Despite the torture, he refused to confess to what he did not do and for that Danjuma was thrown in Okoh prison for 5 years without due process. He was left to rot there until a number of persons visited the prison and got him out on bail after paying through their nose. When he came out he ran into a person they knew in prison and the fellow gifted him an old phone because of cause he had nothing. Months later, his lawyer Igho Hakeem Ohwojeheri would take him around as he goes on cases. On this faithful day he dropped him by his junction and as Hakeem drove off the Police again arrested Danjuma. His prison mate who he only saw once some months back had gone to steal a car and whoever he came in contact with in months were being picked up, of course the poor ones. As we speak Danjuma has been rearrested for a crime the perpetuator confessed to and openly said Danjuma was not a part of as they only saw a greeted once months back, a crime that while it was being committed Danjuma was in the vehicle of his lawyer far away and after that the whole of his neigbours testified that he was at home and even prayed the early morning prayers in the compound in congregation. Why? The police has identified some poor people to always arrest and use for their lies. They will keep coming to Danjuma until he can show he has people then they will let him go.

But for the kidnapper and murderer Evans, it was all honour. Unlike Danjuma, no one will slap his face to inflammation and threaten to arrest his lawyer when he asks questions. Unlike Danjuma, they won't take off his shirt, take off his troussers and drive a pin down his private part and damage his life. He, Evans, get's his day in the press on an executive chair and he get's his day in court. For Danjuma his day in press will be hi sitting almost naked on the floor and being called a thief for reporting someone to the police or being called a murderer for being in police custody while a murder took place outside in the free world.

This is how discriminatory our Police force is as a group. They look at who you are and as soon as they know you are oppressible without question, you are reduced, brutalised and murdered if not lucky. Fair treatment, to the Nigerian police, is only for billionaires no matter how they make their billions.

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