OPINION: Biafra Unity is Supreme and the only key to success

Posted by Factnews | 7 years ago | 2,702 times

By Agha Egwu

It amuses me when Facebook vuvuzelas set themselves up as being better strategic thinkers than Nnamdi Kanu.

I saw a Facebook post that goes something like this:

No election in Biafra till referendum - Nnamdi Kanu;

Igbo need strategic thinking. Boycott is tragedy - Facebook Vuvuzela.

Who's right?

Is the person asking this question truly comparing the Facebook Vuvuzella to Nnamdi kanu? There are many of my erudite fantastic friends who do not support Nnamdi and IPOB call for boycott. It makes me ask:

But have you ever built a global Radio?
Or run a global TV from a studio?
Yet you are a better strategic thinker..
And you expect me not to call you a joker?

How do you compare an ANT to an ElephANT?

Look at the impact of a Sit-at-Home order. It shook Nigerians to the very bones. A successful election Boycott of the Anambra elections as successful as the Sit-at-Home order will shake the very foundations of Nigeria, because then it would be resoundingly clear we don't want Nigeria.

A successful boycott of the 2019 election as successful as the Sit-at-Home order will cause an earthquake. More than anything else it will send the message that this is NOT about Presidency and other restructuring cosmetics but a fundamental root and branch rejection of Nigeria.

But here comes a Facebook critic
We must vote, we must vote cynic
But have you mobilised millions
Of Igbo youth world-wide?
To give you their billions
And march with you in stride?
Yet you are a better strategic thinker..
And you expect me not to call you a joker?


The truth is that at this stage it does not really matter who rules us in our States. We are rejecting them and the laws that threw them up there, irrespective of whether it was only their friends, family and acolytes that voted.

The benefits of a boycott are far more powerful than having an IPOB pro-Biafra Governor. However, the more likely hood is that they will certainly rig out any IPOB pro Biafra Governor and this will be seen as a defeat of IPOB and a positive declaration that IPOB can't win a referendum in Igbo land. This will be a HUGE setback and will turn IPOB into an object of derision for our enemies and their propaganda.

Once IPOB is defeated in the polls, even through rigging - it is finished. Even though I am sure IPOB candidates can win landslide in a free and fair election, they are most likely to be rigged out and thus become a negative and false propaganda that IPOB has no clout. That is too dangerous a risk to take.

Here comes the Facebook genius
Who knows elections are best for us
But have you been two years in prisons
Or defeated Buhari's demonic legions
Yet you are a better strategic thinker..
And you expect me not to call you a joker?


On the other hand these are the benefits of a successful election boycott.

1. Building powerful Igbo and Biafra Unity.

2. A crucial re-affirmation that Nnamdi Kanu is the true Igbo/Biafra leader. This is very important in reining in the egos of the Igbo/Biafra Governors and elders.

3. It will send shock waves throughout Nigeria and the global media. Boycotting Anambra elections will be 10 times worse than the the first Sit-at-Home. Boycotting 2019 will be 100 times worse than the first Sit at Home. During those elections we would all just sit at home and leave the streets empty as a powerful testament of an unshakeable referendum.

4. It will mobilise support from our neghbours in the South South, Southwest and North Central.

5. It will mobilise powerful global publicity. It will be the NEWS not the elections.

6. It will terrify the State Governors and legislators coming in and they will humble themselves before Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB and may even lend or find their voice to support the will of their people. Not all will do it but some will and that would be enough.

7. With that kind of power, IPOB can mobilise the people to recall any legislator and threaten the impeachment of any Governor that does not put the people first so they fall in line.

8. With this residual power, IPOB  can then speak on behalf of all Igbo or Biafrans.

9. With this IPOB power we can all demand for referendum politically.

10. IPOB can then demand the use of Nigerian funds in Biafra for the true welfare of the Biafra people. Governors would be too afraid to say no.

But no! will say the Facebook gods
Kanu and IPOB are a bunch of sods
But did you call thousands on streets
To march with death, fear, heartbeats
Yet you are a better strategic thinker..
And you expect me not to call you a joker?


Whilst Nigerian elections are going on and boycotted, I urge IPOB to begin setting up defacto alternative Governments that rule us and make the State Governments and their elections redundant.

How is this possible? Organise town unions led by Pro- Biafra Town Presidents which is legal in Nigeria. They will have the power to collect voluntary taxes as dues, whilst the people are encouraged to refuse to pay any taxes to the Nigerian State Government as illegitimate on Biafra land. That is true civil disobedience.

The town unions Presidents will come together to elect the Local Government President in an electoral college. They can even do it on Facebook or Whatsapp so Nigerian army has no target. Town Union Presidents will pay about 50% of their taxes or dues to the Local Government.

In turn the Local Government Presidents will come together in an electoral college to elect one of their own as the true State President and also pay about 50% of their proceeds to the State President.

The State Presidents will then go to their electoral college to elect their own President of the Igbo nation and then Biafra Federation.

None of these are illegal because it is based on the town union system. The Nigerian Government would be unable to do anything about it. They will just rant and shit.

The IPOB elected Federation, National, State and Local Government Presidents will have greater people legitimacy than the Nigerian rigged Governors and Chairmen, who will have no legitimacy because of the boycott.

The electoral colleges will also act as temporary parliaments during this struggle.

With the power of the people, the true State President of the people will demand that the illegitimate Governors use the Nigeria State money for the people.

From the Town Union President to Local Government President to State and Igbo Nation President, to Biafra Federation President, who hopefully, at this stage would be Nnamdi Kanu, would use the resources they raise from taxation of dues transparently, to build infrastructures, focus on education and health and economic development in a way that is glaring to the people so that they voluntarily pay more, and ask others to join.

Whilst the State Governors blow sirens, the Town union system will do the real work of the people and win the hearts of the people.

The monies available by voluntary taxation of the people, will be far more than anything available to the Nigerian State Governments income in Biafraland. We are talking of at least 10% of income. And people will pay first to their town unions so everybody can be taxed in time as it is a town union decree, and they can reach all their people.


With this town union based legitimate Government of the people we can announce and vote for referendum through our town unions without going to polls were Nigerian army can shoot us.

With this town union based legitimate Government we can seek for United Nations supervised referendum.

IPOB groups world-wide can act as embassies and seek global recognition and support for the Biafra Referendum from each individual Government.

This is a practical way I see forward. I am sure Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB would have thought of better ways, but I just wrote this to show all those Facebook vuvuzelas that think they know better than Nnamdi Kanu, that they don't half understand true strategic thinking.

May I also say that Nnamdi Kanu and IPOB are not gods. Sometimes they will be stupid and sometimes they will be wise, but I bet my life that most times they will be wise - as they have been so far. When they are stupid, let us all be stupid together and when they are wise let us all be wise together and our enemies will fear our formidable unity of purpose because:


I call upon my brothers from the South South Russell Bluejack and Donald Ekpo to endorse this paper and submit to Nnamdi Kanu, IPOB and LNC.


Here comes the Facebook vuvuzellas
I  am sure they are all good fellas
But have you ever issued an order
For Igbo to sit at home without murder?
Yet you are a better strategic thinker..
And you expect me not to call you a joker?

All hail Biafra.

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