The Five wise men from the East

Posted by Factnews | 7 years ago | 2,782 times

By Emeka Rich Awudu

Not Many people will understand the position of the 5 Southeast Governors & the Holocaust & carnage they prevented from happening to our youths & aged alike...
I was not born during the civil war in Nigeria( 1967-1970) but as a student of history & from what my parents told me about the civil war,it is pure madness for anyone to think of fighting much more a war.

During the said war,we lost our finest Soidiers,We lost our finest students esp from UNN where they were drafted to war to face the better equipped & better organised federal force.
Each family had one ugly story or the other to tell..some left an unforgettable scar in their memories of their love ones.
If only we can imagine what the people of Northeast is going through,then we will appreciate the decision,stand & position of the 5 eastern Governors.

In a situation of war like the one going on in the Northeast & the one that was prevented in the southeast,your beautiful house that took your life savings to build would be destroyed, your fat bank account will no longer be accessible to you,your beautiful wives & daughters would be plucked & raped by the army of occupation while those who are lucky would be forcefully married to those men of war & some would become a sex toy for the rampaging soldiers.
Your life would be hanging on the balance while you will watch helplessly while your children,brothers & Sisters die of hunger..
Following the announcement by the leader of IPOB,Nnamdi Kalu that there will be no election in Anambra State come November this year,he stepped on the toes of the powerful Anambra political mafians who breathe & eats politics..
For fear of losing not only their political grip on Anambra & losing the oil wells & investments,they flooded the presidency with petitions against Nnamdi KANU & IPOB which was awaiting President Buhari's arrival.

I listened to president Buhari's Nationwide speech when he returned from his sick leave in London & I knew that its only a matter of time before somethg terrible happens in the east..

I prayed over it & warned my brothers & some of my kinsmen who cared to listen to me & who are fanatical sympathisers of Biafra that  "Agwo No na Akirika"
My fears was confirmed beyond doubt the next day when President Buhari summoned the service Chiefs & his instruction was clear " Crush every Opposition"
Then Operation " Python dance 2" was planned & delivered by the defence headquarters with a specific instruction.
It was so important & Critical that a new commander was picked for that job without the knowledge of the GOC,82 division because the defence headquarters cannot afford to leave anythg to chance because they thought that the GOC 82 division might compromise & the mission would be a failed project.

For your information,the Northerners are not happy that the east are enjoying peace unlike their brother's in the north east where majority of them are living in the IDP camps..where more than 70% of the male in the affected northeast states have been wiped off from the face of the earth.
Its also important to state here though some may not want to hear the truth that the leader of IPOB,Nnamdi KANU should be blamed for what has befallen the movement..
In a bid to create a niche for himself & an image larger than life,he lost his sense of reasoning, took stupid decisions & made careless talks.
He saw himself as another god & surrounded himself with charlatans & youths that are driven with passion for violence & hate messages..
He refused to listen to any voice of reason & shuns every advice..
He called his elders names & insulted some that dared to ask him to soft pedal...

Yes & like Lucipher who was overwhelmed by his wisdom & beauty,he sought to be like the most high God.
He violated his bail conditions with impunity & called their bluff those that asked him to tread with caution..

But thank God for the Southeast Governors whom God in his infinite mercy revealed the mystery to & in their wisdom,took a step that have saved this generation & the generation to come from the fury of the Northern/Western powers who hate Ibos with passion & to imagine what would have happened to hundreds of thousands of IBos in the North is another reason to thank God for.
Our Southeast Governors no doubt acted in good fate & prevented whatever evil plan they had against the Ibos.

To those that lost their lives,I pray that God in his infinite mercy will grant their respective families the fortitude to bear the loss.
To those who are living, a living dog is better than a dead lion for he that fought  & ran away lives to fight another day.
If God permits,Biafra shall come to be in time to come..but we must tread carefully if we must go far...

God bless the Southeast Governors, the Southeast east Senate Caucus,Our own dear distinguished Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe who took a risk by standing to sign Nnamdi Kanu's bail bond despite the stalking odds.

To my dear Country Nigeria,I want to say that peace is better than war & restricting will do us a lot of good.


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