Abia state PDP Reconciliation; The Politics and Gains

Posted by Adimchinobi Onyenso | 7 years ago | 2,380 times

Democratic system of government is most preferred above other fora because of the room for negotiation, shifting of ground and participatory style that engenders unity, fair play and peace which essentially are required ingredients for the development of any society.
Aptly put, the People's Democratic Party is known as a party that upholds the rule of law and abides by the democratic norms which places party faithfuls and the electorates at the center of her affairs and on the decision making table. This is not unconnected with the position of PDP in Abia State to have tour round the 17 LGAs of Abia State to reconcile perhaps, aggrieved members. It is also an exercise that was targeted at knowing the grievances of some of the party members with a view to nipping the problems in the bud and strengthening the party for future tasks ahead.
Governor Okezie Victor Ikpeazu in his wisdom visualized that after the 2015 general elections and the last LGA polls in the State, some members, or quarters of the party may be aggrieved which invariably is a normal phenomenon after electoral exercises in our clime. To this end, the people's governor constituted a high-powered 7 man delegation chaired by Rev. Benson Ezem to meet with all the aggrieved members of the party to jaw-jaw with them with the motive of bringing back the reports to his table for consideration and implementation.
This is coming on the heels of the urgent need to strategically position the party both at the State and local government levels for greater electoral fortunes. Interestingly, the committee successfully went to the nooks and crannies of the State, even in the remotest areas which also reveals the immense developmental activities of the government of the day across board. It is also a thing of joy that no LGA was left in the transformational breeze blowing across the length and breath of God's own State.
Additionally, it is also worthy of adulation that some of the LGAs visited had already forged ahead, reconciled within themselves and so the visit was just to cement the peace existing among them as well give them Governor Ikpeazu's emissaries.
While some LGAs had some pockets of squabbles which has been solved halfway already, many others has returned to the drawing board to see how best to move the Party forward.
An appraisal of reconciliation team constituted by the Governor shows that they were best suited for the assignment. The chairman, Rev. Arch. Benson Ezem and the secretary, Rt. Hon. Barr. Chinedum Elechi did a yeoman's job through their arbitration and mediation roles that pacified all aggrieved parties. It is also gladdening that today, many of those that even left the party had either secretly or openly returned while some, whose bodies are in other different mushroom parties has their spirits in tack in PDP and has assured of their return in a very short while. This was testified by one of local government chairmen who also stated that the umbrella of the  party is big enough to accommodate anyone who wishes to return to the only one and indivisible family.
There are myriad gains of the reconciliation exercise; too numerous to be mentioned. Firstly, it will give the governor a bird's eye view of how to remake some decisions to accommodate the generality of all, even the defectors and the old party men. More so, as the committee had an interface with the people at the grassroot which forms the nucleus of of the party, nay the electorates, it is no gain saying the fact that the party is now well positioned to receive the crowed from the other sides political fence who are now ready to identify and belong to the big Umbrella party.
The reconciliation has proven Dr. Ikpeazu as one that is exceptionally excellent in leadership. It portrays that the people are the crux of his administration and as such holds them on high esteem.
Moreover, Abia State is now a pace setter as other PDP States should emulate this approach as it is a veritable means to solidify the party and make it one united family. The reconciliation has once again given the masses the ample opportunity to air their challenges which the governor will address.
The mode employed by the PDP will not only swell the membership of the foremost democratic organization in Abia State and in Nigeria at large but will strengthen the party, situating the PDP as the only real democratically inclined political party in the Nigeria's Socio-Political space.
You are welcome to the big family!

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