Gov. Ikpeazu And His Passion For Sustainable Development In Abia State using CSDP As A Veritable Platform

Posted by Chief (Dr) Isaac A. Ogbonna | 7 years ago | 2,558 times

Saul Bellow, the famous American writer in his essay, titled " More die of heartbreak 1987", said "There were two varieties of truth, one symbolized by the tree of knowledge, the other by the tree of life, one the truth of striving and the other the truth of receptivity".

Saul Bellow's perception about truth should be equated to the numerous accomplishments of Abia State Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), where the realities on group for some years now  says it all about the developmental strides in Abia State which ultimately portray a brighter future for Communities in the State.


The truth of the matter is that, CSDP, a project in the World Bank Country Portfolio that adopts Community Driven Development (CDD) approach with the project development objective to increase access by the poor people, particularly the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and vulnerable people has lived up to its primary responsibilities of transforming the rural folks.

Apart from other statutory responsibilities, the agency is also charged with duties of improving the social and natural resources as well as infrastructural service of Abia communities in a sustainable manner. Its activities so far have made lives in the rural area enjoyable, soothing, exuberance etc, thus given credence to the postulation of Ralph Waldo Emerson, the 17th Century American writer that "Life is good only when it is magical and musical".
Interestingly, CSDP is the outcome of an agreement between the Federal Government and the World Bank anchored on 2005-2007 Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) to harmonize World Bank funded community development projects in the country.The Law No 2 of 2009 passed by the Abia State House of Assembly established the Agency in the state following the state's fulfillment of precondition for participation in the CSDP.

Witnesses in almost all the communities of Abia State are testifying to the speedy and accelerated development and transformation of the rural areas of the state in recent times. Many communities, for the first time are witnessing remarkable changes in terms of infrastructural development. Through CSDP, bridges, town halls, roads, water boreholes, rural electricity, health centre and market stalls etc are being built and provided.

Indeed, the Agency has made it possible for those in the rural areas to enjoy the same amenities their counterparts in the urban areas enjoy.For now, the CSDP is in its additional financing. This was predicted on the overwhelming request from communities to benefit from it. The additional financing became disbursement effective on the 31st of July 2016 upon the satisfaction of all laid down eligibility criteria by the state government ably led by Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu.He, the Governor also approved the release and payment of the eligibility government contribution of N50 million. Actually, because of the Agency's transformation agenda, Abia State is in the forefront of national map of rural transformation and development.
Gladly, the Agency has keyed into this vision and is adjudged the best performing Agency in the World Bank country portfolio, having significantly impacted on the lives of the poor and the deprived.
Weighed with the postulation of Martin Luther King Jr, the popular American Civil Rights activist who said "All labour that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence" it should be rightly said that CSDP has through its lofty programs uplifted humanity through the reconstruction of the rural communities of the state.

And it also rhymes with the developmental agenda of the Okezie Ikpeazu's government. Worthy of note is the visit of some World Bank officials who after their recent assessment tour and taking spot checks on the community performance in the application of CDD declared, "Abia is working".

Alfred Marshal, one of the founding fathers of modern economics, once remarked that human beings should be concerned with the ultimate aim of man. Since May 29th 2015 the passion and quantum of work lend credence to this legendary remark as the Abia state government hits the ground running with numerous grassroots oriented initiatives in health, education, infrastructural transformation and in the development sector. These, in no small measure, have touched the of the people.

In the meantime, Abia CSDP has implemented over 200 micro projects in diverse sectors, including education, rural electricity, environmental and natural resources, health, social economic, transport and water. These already implemented micro projects transverse the LGAs and three zones of the state and are in full use.
The outcome of these project speaks volume and has brought succour to the people and improved their overall wellbeing. The outcomes of these infrastructure such as increased school enrolment, increased clusters of micro and small business and reduction in water borne diseases in the community are eloquent testimonies of the impact of the Governor.

CSDP has woken up to the consciousness of work and development in its rural areas. Most youths hitherto were idle have been made, through the numerous interventions of CSDP, to adopt the spirit of hard work, partnership and commitment to working themselves out of under development.This is in conformity with the declaration of Adam Smith the Scottish 17th Century playwright, who said "a day's work is a day's work, neither more nor less and the man who does it needs a day's sustenance.

Abia State is indeed on the path of development, evidenced by its aggressive move towards the provision of critical infrastructure and other policies for the wellbeing of the people both urban and rural.

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