Alex Otti and his uninformed minions are same

Posted by Ikechukwu Iroha | 6 years ago | 3,345 times

After reading the predictable response of the minions of the defeated 2015 APGA candidate in Abia State to the factual take down of their Principal by Abia State Commissioner of Information, Chief John Okiyi Kalu, in his well articulated piece titled “Fact Speaks for Itself”, it dawned on me that Otti surrounds himself with people like him who lack capacity to read and comprehend and hence prefer to dodge issues with flowery language bereft of facts.

Such is the case of one unknown quantity who goes by the name of Ijomah Nnanna who claims to be resident in New York from where he churns out lies and propaganda for Otti.

Sadly, Otti could not find one Abia resident to do his hatchet job, possibly because all his hirelings in Abia know that that the issues raised by the Honorable Commisioner for Information are factually correct and Otti’s letter to Governor Ikpeazu was flawed and lacking in verifiable facts.

While I choose not to hold brief for the Commissioner for Information in Abia State, Chief John Okiyi Kalu, who will likely not bother to respond to Otti’s hirelings but will prefer to wait for the man himself, it is important that I help the likes of Ijomah understand exactly what the Honorable Commissioner wrote, in the hope that Ijioma, Ekeoma and other Otti hirelings will man up and answer to the issues rather than cover up for their pay master with “iko onu”.

1. Chief Okiyi did not address Otti as “My dear Arochukwu friend” rather he addressed him as “My dear Arochukwu brother” for a good reason.

Contrary to what Otti may have tried to feed his boys, Chief Okiyi told me that he was first introduced to Otti in 2013 as an Arochukwu man by a mutual friend who sadly is now late. JOK who is a strong Apostle of think home first once expressed his admiration for the beautiful house Otti built in Arochukwu and it is not a hidden fact that Otti actually was an Arochukwu man until Abia stakeholders agreed that the next Governor of Abia State, after Ochendo T A Orji, should come from the Ukwa/Ngwa area of Abia State.

Otti who felt that his desperate quest to become the Governor of Abia State was threatened by that decision, which was endorsed by Abia elders and founding fathers, quickly remembered that his late father lived and died in Umuehim Isiala Ngwa as a seventh day priest, rushed to construct a new house there in 2012. Not minding that he had previously claimed his Aro origin and even exhumed and reburied his father in Arochukwu, as traditionally expected.

Addressing Otti as his Arochukwu brother is a fair courtesy expected from a man who is from the same federal constituency with another man. In deed, the documents submitted by Chief Okiyi to the state house of Assembly during his screening showed that he actually entered secondary school and University with Arochukwu/Ohafia as his local government of origin. Obviously same applied to Otti who verifiably entered Uniport as an Imo State student from Arochukwu/Ohafia local government area.

If anything, Chief Okiyi offered Otti the right courtesies when he addressed him as “My Arochukwu brother” and should be applauded for the courteous way he responded to Otti’s lying provocation against the Governor of Abia State.

Only the lying genome that is ubiquitously present in everyone politically associated with Alex Otti could have compelled Nnanna to change “brother” to “friend” the same way that Otti himself changed Arochukwu to Isiala Ngwa because of politics.

If Nnanna Ijioma and others still harbor doubts on the origin of Otti they should ask him to show them a copy of his PDP membership card from his Arochukwu Ward and the letter he wrote to the PDP later to transfer his membership to Isiala Ngwa.

Also, they should read Otti’s response to one young man, Edward Obiakor, who accused Otti of grabbing his father’s land in 2015 to expand his Arochukwu home even while he was campaigning and claiming to be from Isiala Ngwa.

Crucially, Ijioma should ask Fedinand Ekeoma and Paddy Ayotonwu their response at Flo 94.9 FM radio station when a caller asked them to state the local government of origin of Alex Otti. In case anyone missed it, both men declined to state that Otti was from Arochukwu or Isiala Ngwa but insisted that they know he is an Abian.

Is Otti a naturalized Abian that he will not have a local government of origin? Why were they afraid to state his local government of origin if not that they knew Otti LIED and MISLED on that, as in other things?

In any case, Alex Otti addressed the Governor of Abia State as “my dear brother, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu”. What exactly is wrong with JOK addressing him as his “dear Arochukwu brother”? Are Arochukwu people no longer brothers of Abiriba people?

2. Chief Okiyi called out Otti on his deceitful posturing of sending a purported private letter to his Governor through the media. Even an elementary school student would have made the same observation that if the intention was altruistic, as claimed, the letter would have been mailed to the Governor privately. Once you write a public office holder using Facebook and the media it amounts to deceit to claim that it was a private letter that should not lead to a media response from same source.

3. I still wonder why the Commissioner for Information, who ordinarily is a detailed person, failed to comment on the fact that Otti, whose father was a seventh Day Adventist Church Pastor? will write his “brother” of the same seventh day church and quote Koran to drive home his mischief? Is Otti a closet Muslim too?

Obviously nothing matters to Otti when it comes to his desperation for power. Not even the faith of his father, which he claims to be his own faith too.

4. If anyone lied, it was Otti who made false claims to the effect that civil servants in Abia were owed 10 months salary. In fact that false claim was at the core of his letter and when the core rests on falsehood the rest is rubbish.

JOK called out Otti on that falsehood and used previous gaffes and falsehood by Otti to show a pattern of lying and deceit from Otti. His conclusion that Otti sources information from FACEBOOK was the only kind explanation for an obvious pants on fire lie by a man desperately seeking to govern God’s Own state.

On May 1st 2018, during the celebration of workers day at Umuahia, the NLC State Chairman, Comrade Uchenna Obigwe, presented a written address that highlighted the state of salary payment in Abia State.

On page 23 of the shared brochure from where he read his address, he stated as follows:

“The state congress wish to appreciate our Governor Okezie Ikpeazu (Ph.D) on the regular payment of salaries to MDAs and hope that this will be replicated in the LGAs, primary and secondary school teachers, ABSUTH, HMB, Abiapoly, Arochukwu technical and the pensioners of Abia State.”

The above statement perfectly aligns with the presentation of the honorable Commissioner who highlighted the fact that MDAs were not owed, parastatal wages are not direct responsibilities of government and went ahead to outline the plan of the state government to support the parastatals and clear other outstanding including Pensions.

Obviously the statement from NLC confirms Otti to be LYING with his claims that “Abia Civil Servants are owed 10 months salary”. Unless Otti does not know that MDAs constitute the majority of state workers. 
On the flip side, it shows the Commissioner as a conscientious and truthful person who correctly stated where the government was on salary payment and also laid out plans to sort out grey areas.

For the avoidance of doubt, Abiapoly, HMB, ABSUTH and Arochukwu technical are parastatals of government vested with legal authority to make and use revenue to pay worker and run the institutions. Abia State Government does not pay their wages but gives subventions to support them from time to time.

Similarly, Abia State Government does not pay local government workers and primary school teachers. It is the job of the LGAs to pay their workers, teachers and LGA pensioners.

Obviously Otti and his “foreign based” crew do not know jerk about public sector administration and are not resident in Abia to simply source information correctly and make the right deductions.

Otti blundered by writing letters on issues he lacks the experience or capacity to understand and the Commissioner tried to lecture him without abusing him. I strongly suspect that Otti wrote that letter from internet feeds of folks like Nnanna Ijioma who is obviously stranded in New York.

5. It is laughable that Ijioma claimed that Otti appealed to the Governor for “equity and justice”. Does Otti know the meaning of equity and justice when he tried to subvert the desires of Ukwa/Ngwa people to produce a Governor in the state after 16 years? What was equitable and just in an Arochukwu man changing origin to enable him steal what belongs to Ukwa/Ngwa people courtesy of Abia Charter of Equity?

It is people like the Commissioner that should talk about equity and justice because he wholeheartedly backed Governor Ikpeazu in 2015 and resisted parochial Clan pressures to support “our brother Otti”. To me, he is a million man compared to Otti.

Indeed most Abians are aware that since his appointment as Commissioner he has maintained a dignified posture in information management and at one time publicly vowed to resign rather than lie to Abians. From pensioners to civil servants and men of the media, they trust the Commissioner to always tell the truth and this much is well know within the state. He will readily admit, explain and apologize where there are issues the government has not done very well but he is also bold enough to call out liars like Alex Otti. The likes of Ijioma should ask his fellow Otti minions who reside in Abia about the Commissioner or call the leadership of labor and pensioners who have long adopted the Commissioner as their reliable son. I was privileged to witness where pensioners visited his office to thank him for fighting their cause and was moved to tears because of the type of prayer they said for him.

He is also a man who emulates the footsteps of his Principal, Dr Okezie Ikpeazu, who has no enemies and is readily forgiving of those who offend him. It is on record that regardless of the many attempts of Otti to provoke and distract Governor Ikpeazu, he continues to see him as one of his constituents and offer him necessary courtesies in public even when the ARROGANT Otti would never have done same to anyone.

6. As expected, Otti and his minions continued to dodge key issues raised by JOK in his response to Otti. I will therefore highlight those issues again and others in the hope that Abians will get a response from Otti himself on the pertinent issues.

A. Which local government area in Abia State is Alex Otti from? 
This is important because in 2015 he chose a running mate from Arochukwu/Ohafia Federal Constituency and is rumored to be set to run with someone from Ukwa federal constituency in 2019. Abians deserve to know exactly where this man is from to enable us make informed decisions based on “equity and justice” principles enunciated by Ijioma.

Mr Ijioma, where in Abia State is Otti from? I know for a fact that Governor Ikpeazu is from Umuobiakwa in Obingwa LGA of Abia State. Where exactly did Otti tell you he is from?

B. The Commissioner raised important issues on a N250m loan packaged by Otti for Catholic Church owners of MOCERAM Umuahia that has now turned to nearly N2b debt owed by members of the church and responsible for thousands of jobs lost. Confirm if indeed Otti was responsible for mortgaging all Catholics in Abia State as well the loss of prime jobs in the state. We want to know the truth and circumstances.

C. Is it also true that Otti was involved in managing the FAAC Account of Abia State Government from 2002 to 2015 and helped to arrange all kinds of frivolous loans that set the state back? What does he know about the mismanagement of the state’s Pension Account between 2002 and 2007 when he managed the Account and earned promotion at the bank he worked then while Abia pensioners were shortchanged and have continued to suffer the consequences of the mismanagement to date?

D. Has Otti ever paid one kobo as Tax to Abia State or contributed in anyway to the internally generated revenue of the state?

E. Name one employment yielding business established in Abia State by Alex Otti who is the owner of a hotel in Lagos.

F. Is there any project Alex Otti executed at his alma mata, Ngwa High School Aba, that is known to you? We need that information so as to examine his basis for sloganeering on “Abia First” when he preferred other states to Abia.

G. If indeed Alex Otti is not an Arochukwu man, why is he involved in a land grab case with one Edward Obiakor at Arochukwu? Why is he threatening the young man and bloggers for exposing his land grabbing at Arochukwu where he holds a traditional title as an authentic Aro son?

H. Is not true that Otti, in 2015, LIED to members of Aba Chamber of commerce (ACCIMA) that he obtained a loan of $100b from International Finance Corporation, as a private citizen, to fund infrastructure at Aba?
Is that not political OBT aka 419?

I. Why did Otti LIE to Abians in USA and at Aba Chamber of commerce that he owns Geometric Power company at Aba? Is he planning to grab the company from Prof Bartholomew Nnaji and others?

J. Did Diamond bank sack 2000 workers to survive after Otti left the bank? We need to hear directly from Otti because his actions and inactions at the bank he managed for only 2 years seems to have cost the owner of Diamond Bank his investment in another blue chip organization.

K. Why did Otti try to stop the $200m AfDB facility that should have helped Abia State to fund road projects and free limited funds needed to clear outstanding salaries and pensions in the state? Does he really hate to see Abia make progress just so he can govern the state?

L. Otti stopped saying that “Okezie has done nothing” after he visited Aba to politick during this years’ Fathers Day celebration. Has he now convinced himself that he was all the while LYING against Governor Ikpeazu who constructed all the roads he drove through at Aba, including Ehere road where he used his car to block the road?

Those are the issues Media hirelings of Otti should respond to rather than trying to divert attention through attacking the state Commissioner for Information who helped to educate Otti on the correct state of affairs in Abia State and call him out on his lies, deceit and mischief.

Abians know Governor Ikpeazu and what he is doing for them and they are happy and appreciative. That is why most of those who supported Otti in 2015 have deserted him and are now at the forefront of endorsing Governor Ikpeazu for re-election in 2019.

Otti can only rely on stranded folks like Ijioma who live outside Abia to peddle his falsehood. Those in Abia know the truth and no amount of attacks against the agents of truth will change the fact that Ikpeazu has done enough to deserve an easy landslide victory in 2019.

Ikechukwu Iroha
Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Media


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