Bill Clinton says ISIL should pay price for beheadings of Americans

Posted by admin | 10 years ago | 2,396 times

Bill Clinton
Former president Bill Clinton says the United States should send a signal to the ISIL terrorist group that there a price for the beheadings of two American journalists.
There’s a price for decapitating those two people. You can’t let people get away with that, and it’s a terrible signal to the world,” Clinton said.



The former president also argued that his country has proven it can't win the war in Iraq with boots on the ground.



We can’t win a land war in Iraq. We’ve proved that. But they [Iraqis] can,” Clinton said. “And we can help them win it and that’s got to be what we’re trying to do.



President Barack Obama has authorized airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria, but has ruled out US boots on the ground in a combat role.



However, a senior US Army general said it might be necessary to send more US troops to Iraq.



General Ray Odierno, the US Army chief of staff, said on Friday he would not rule out the possibility of sending small contingents of ground troops into combat in Iraq.



US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff were both beheaded in two videos released by the Takfiri group. Both of them were abducted in Syria.



The United States and some of its regional allies, chief among them Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have been supporting militant groups in Syria to fight the government there.



Last year, ISIL exploited the chaos of the Syrian conflict to capture large swaths of territory there before sweeping into neighboring Iraq.

Source: Press Tv

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