Re: Land Grab Allegations; The Anatomy of Eze Chikamnayo

Posted by FN Editor | 5 years ago | 1,582 times

While it may not be worth anyone's time to join issues with an Eze Chikamnayo, a low level political jobber who's gone into oblivion,  the fact that he had the audacity to mention existing names of celebrated individuals in whose bracket he does not fall & especially that of Engr Emma Mbaka, let's give the right of a limited reply to his unfounded allegations. 
It is always difficult to engage or talk about a man who is not known more than the fact that the mediocrity standards in Abia threw him up as a two time commisioner & lastly a political adviser. That he chose to demonstrate the height of disloyalty to both the past & present governors who gave him jobs or lfeline, thereby bitting the fingers that fed him, to a large extent defines who this man is both as a politician & an irresponsible ignoramus. 
In other serious states that are run well, such an individual who was a commissioner in Abia state, but completely empty about the meaning, roles & implications of such a cabinet position, will not know his way to the government house. 
The leve of disrespect Chikamnayo has shown to the present & past governors of Abia state, has portrayed him as a disloyal politician who can not be trusted. He will soon be extinct as no future leader will want to associate with such an inconsistent fellow.
A commissioner is a senior member of the cabinet of a state executive council where state matters that bother on issues he raised are presented, discussed & decisions taken before they are implimented. Could it be that this Eze Chikamnayo slept over cabinet meetings where such matters were discussed hence this ignorance he exhibits today? Most likely. 
If Chikamnayo attended & actually participated in cabinet meetings where serious matters like the relocation of a market that constituted public nuisance/trafic gridlock in the centre of the state capital, including former premises of ministeries which lay fallow after such ministries moved to the new state secreteriates were dicussed & decisions taken to site meaningful developments in their place, why would he today not shut up instead of exposing his stupid ignorance? If such matters were decided outside the council, as l doubt they were, would it not have made sence & more honourable that he resigned from his position in protest? His not being able to distinguish between classified & unclassified cabinet or government matters, portray him as a misfit for such exhalted position. He must be watched henceforth. 
From an investigation conducted on his claimed wrong dealings, it was discovered that the decisions to relocate the market & develope the premises of the former ministries were all taken before Engr Emma Mbaka came into the picture as a known & celebrated estate developer in Nigeria who neither was in the said cabinet or in any way influenced such decisions. He had not even met the then Gov, TA Orji, one on one at the time of such decisions. Check the available records.
He, Mbaka, accepted to come & invest nearer home-- Imo, Enugu & Abia after about 3000 building developed by one of his companies, Trademore were demolished at Lugbe in Abuja some years back. This ugly incident was in every national daily at the time. It was when southeast Governors, traditional rulers, business & political leaders were visiting to sympathise with him that the decision to invest in the south east came up. The Governors quickly provided land in their various state capitals for the massive housing developments that followed. 
In Abia, Mbaka's home state, then Governor TA Orji gave him the places that were mentioned above which had been designated for the different develpments that are coming up & came up there. Every Abian apart from the former Commissioner, Chikamnayo, is seeing, hailing & thanking God for what Engr Mbaka did & is doing in a state that has no prospects for market. Would the Chikamnayo in Mbaka's shoes, though never, have accepted to embark on such massive housing & events centre development in Abia, being an Abian & knowing the situation? 
Today in Imo state, about 300 housing units are completed at Naze, in Owerri & in Enugu state over 100 units are almost completed at Zion Hill Enugu. We are talking about physical structures that can be verified. 
It is important to mention here also that the land on which about 500 housing units are, was to a large extent paid for to the community by Trademore Developers. The houses, designed with schools & other support services, were targeted at the Ubani market traders, but today most of them have been taken & occupied by Nigerian security agencies. 
It is also important clearly state here that the Ubani market was already being constructed before Trademore came to the area. The Trademore company did not develope the market 
Eze Chikamnayo is a confused man who sought continued relevance from Gov Ikpeazu after he was dropped as an adviser, but his request was turned down. People who saw visit the Aba lodge of the Gov & waited till late in the night to see him are already speaing out. It was after Chikamnayo failed to secure relevance from Ikpeazu that he resorted to this dangerous path of making stupid & unfounded allegations to get attention. 
Chikamnayo is said to have worshippe, idolized & praise sang Ikuku, his farther TA Orji & the entire family while they hired & paid him as the commissioner for information. He never found them guilty, wanting or accused them of land grabbing until after 5 years they left the Governor's office. If Ikpeazu had kept him as he desperately yelled for, he would still have been quiete. Does anyone blame lkpeazu for throwing him out or refusing to re-hire him? Definitely Not. No future  serious leader will want to associate with an ungrateful desperado like him. Here today gone beserk tomorrow! 
The allegation that some expiring, but ambitious politicians from his area are sponsoring him may not be far from the truth. His presence at the call to bar in Abuja this week, spoke volume of his bed fellows. He sure will disappoint them at some point. He cannot be relied on for anything. He has a track record of failures.
It may not be a flater to describe Engr Mbaka as a well established corporate guru who sits on the the board of so many federal, private local/international agencies & businesses. The chairman of a mortgage bank & CEO of many companies. A philantropist of note. A foremost estate developer who owns the largest edifice by an individual in sub saharan Africa, the Platinum Mega Mall, Mabuchi, Abuja. An investor in the hospitality industry, hotels, both in Nigeria & abroad. A celebrated socialite who did not make his money from politics. 
The last time l checked, Engr Mbaka is not a card carrying member of any political party, but a donor to many sensible political campaigns across the country. 
He is by all ramification or standards, an important Abian, an accomplished & consumate business man to be mentioned in a land grabbing allegation by a frustrated, relevance seeking, disloyal, untrustworthy & damaged politician on a total self destruct mission. 
In contrast, the only job Chikamnayo has today is running a local night club with under aged girls in Umuahia. The long arm of law will soon catch up with him 
My advice to ambitious politicians who want to use him to attack & attempt to drag the names of reputable Abians to the mud is; Chikamnayo will not succeed, he is only interested in what he gets from you & will definitely be a big drag on your ambition/ticket tomorrow. Do not confide or discuss any important information with him. He is deadlier than a snake.
This is his last chance to a reply while lawyers go through the contents of his spurious, murky & inconsistent allegations to find grounds to put him where he rightly belongs, jail.
My takes. 
Dave Agwalla.

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