Solution To the rots of Infrastructures in Aba.

Posted by Obioma Nwogu | 10 years ago | 3,665 times

The present condition of Aba in Abia state has gone beyond blame games, criticisms and support for the present Administration of the state. The stark reality on ground requires immediate and emergency approach to rescue the city. Hence, we must find a solution on how to rehabilitate the city.

It will be foolhardy for anyone to expect the Abia state government to fully fund this project with the level of rots and decay of infrastructures in Aba. However, rehabilitation and restoration of Aba is the simplest and easiest thing for any person who knows what to do.  My approach and solutions will be as follows:

  1. 1.        Immediate convocation of all stakeholders summit in Aba

There is need to convoke a stakeholders summit of all the stakeholders in Aba. This includes

1                     All the trade associations and Unions in Aba markets

2                     Transport unions and associations

3                     Landlords

4                      Aba chamber of commerce and industry

5                      All the local government Chairmen and Councilors within the Aba metropolis

6                     Members representing Aba in the State House of Assembly

7                     Members representing Aba in the Federal House of Representatives

8                     The Senator representing Aba Senatorial District in the Senate of Federal Republic of Nigeria

9                      Abia State government

10                 Federal government.

 I mentioned the federal government because some major roads in Aba such as Aba-Owerri  Road on Umungasi/Abayi axis, Factory road, Asa road, Port Harcourt road, Aba-Ikot  Ekpene road, Azumini road are all federal roads in horrible deplorable condition that need urgent attention. This is where FERMA , NDDC and  SURE-P interventions are needed.

The essence of this stakeholder’s summit will be to come up with a road map to deal with the issues of misgivings and rejections likely to arise from some tough measures such as relocation, demolitions and strict enforcement of sanitation laws and regulations that will take place in the process.

The summit will be necessary in dealing with the issue of fund raising because if we want genuine urgent rehabilitation of Aba, the Abia state government alone cannot fully fund the project from the less than N3 billion monthly allocations from Abuja. Though I don’t have the figures of the internally generated revenue for Abia state, I do know that most states in the south east, with the exception of Ananmbra just recently, have an IGR of less than a billion naira per month. But if Aba is fixed, the IGR the state will generate from Aba alone will be more than a billion every month. 

Another reason for the stakeholders’ summit will be to involve the ordinary people living in Aba in the planning and decision making process. Studies have shown that when the people are part of the decision and planning stage of any project concerning them, they take it as their own responsibility to protect such projects.  This will make the issue of protection of the roads, issues of sanitation and the cleanliness of the gutters the monkeys of the people.

2              Clearing of Drainage System

As a matter of fact, Aba, especially the crown area including GRA and some parts of Ogbor Hill  a beautifully planned drainage system.  Sadly, all the drainages have been filled with all kinds of waste. For a meaningful rehabilitation of Aba, the first step will be to begin a comprehensive clearing of all the primary and secondary drainages in Aba. Thereafter, the State House of Assembly shouldl promulgate a law making it a punishable offence for anybody to sweep into the gutter, or throw rubbish on the street, or improperly dispose wastes within the city and its environs.

3              Funding and Fund Raising

As I mentioned earlier, to effectively rehabilitate Aba and restore its glory, the funding cannot be the sole responsibility of Abia State. Let’s get it clear, Abia State government must also participate in the financing of the project. But other sources of fund must be explored within and outside Aba. However, all avenues for raising the fund should be discussed during the All Stakeholders Summit. But here are some of the ways to fast track the fund raising:

1                     A fund raising dinner involving businessmen, Aba Recreation Club, Sports Club and friends of the governments.

2                     A compulsory rehabilitation/development levy as follows:

(i)                  All Bungalows in Aba                              N20,000

(ii)                One Storey Buildings                              N30,000

(iii)               Two Storey Buildings                              N40,000

(iv)              Three Storey Buildings and above    N50,000

(v)                Every shop owner /Operator              N10,000

(vi)              Every Commercial Vehicle                    N10,000

(vii)             Every Keke Operator                              N5,000

(viii)           Poll levy for every other person

Including market women, artisans   N1,000.

With this in motion, the process of road reconstruction can commence.

4         Demolition of all structures violating road setbacks, drainages and sewages

Every restructuring process comes with sacrifices and cost. Because the people in Aba are presently suffering, it is expedient for them to make sacrifices to ensure that things are done properly. In the past, some unscrupulous local government officials built and actually encouraged people to build shops on setbacks, drainages and sewage paths so that they can be collecting revenues from these shops! This happened across all the markets in Aba. This action has boomeranged and is principally responsible for flooding and blockade of the drainage system. However, to recover the original master plan of Aba and its bourgeoning markets, these culprit structures must give way! However, before the demolition, the government must engage the traders and agree on how and where to relocate them to.  Even when the best road infrastructure is put in place and there is no way for rain and waste water to be evacuated through the drainage and sewage system, the streets will still be flooded and the roads would be washed away in a matter of time. It then becomes a vicious cycle.


5         Road Construction and Rehabilitations

The next step should be road construction and rehabilitation. Basically, all the roads in Aba are in very bad condition, but the major roads should be given priority, followed by feeder roads and inner roads respectively.  The state and a delegation of the stakeholders should send a strong representation to the Federal government to undertake the rehabilitation of all the federal roads within and around the city through FERMA, NDDC and SURE-P.


6         Ban and Prohibition of Street Trading

To achieve a meaningful sustenance of the rehabilitation process, there is need to ban trading on the streets. Efforts should be made to fence all the markets and ensure that every trading activity is carried out within the walls of that market, and not on the street.


7         Enforcement of strict environment and waste management system

Having done all these, it becomes expedient to put in place strict environmental and waste management policies in place. The present situation whereby people are forced to trek up to 1-2 kilometers to dispose their wastes between 5pm and 7am daily is not the best. In the light of the fact that presently, almost all the roads are not motorable, this system seems to be the best available option. But by the time the roads are put in fixed, it becomes necessary to review this option and make it compulsory for every home, shops and businesses to have their own specified waste bin and waste bags.

Then the process of waste collection and disposal should be on Private State Partnership basis as this has proved very successful in Lagos State. Waste collection and management should be a wealth creation venture.  People should  pay for the disposal of their wastes either through a compulsory monthly fee or on pay as you go basis.


The next in line should be strict enforcement of green areas within the city. This will create a kind of consciousness on the part of the people to respect setbacks and waste disposal.


All house owners should be encouraged to put a concrete slab between their buildings and the drainage gutters to avoid stagnant water in front of their building.


For sustainable clean environment, compulsory clean up exercises must be enforced for all the markets and business premises between 7 am – 10 am every Thursday and every last Saturdays of the Month.   There should also be regular inspection of markets, business premises and homes by sanitary inspectors.



If you are a lover of the Governor, kindly help him by bringing this to his attention.


With this, ABA GADI MMA OZO!

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