Yuletide season: Ikpeazu assures Abians of adequate security

Posted by Onyebuchi Ememanka | 5 years ago | 1,436 times

The Governor of Abia State, Okezie Ikpeazu, Phd has sent a hearty Christmas message to the people of the State.

According to the Governor, “As Christians the world over commemorate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, I bring you a warm message of goodwill on this very important occasion. Christmas is one of the most defining events in Christendom and one of the most fundamental features of the Christian Faith. The birth of Jesus is the fulcrum upon which our Christian Faith revolves”.

“As we celebrate the Christmas and indeed the entire Yuletide”, Ikpeazu continues, “our people must not forget the true essence of the season which is to reflect on the birth of Jesus and its significance on mankind. While it is a period to share and spread love, our people must celebrate in moderation and avoid needless ostentation, especially as the beginning of the new year is impending and with its attendant challenges”.

Cautioning travelers to exercise the highest form of discretion at this time, Ikpeazu appeals to our people who will journey to their respective communities to drive with extreme care and avoid all forms of recklessness on our roads.
In his words, “While Government will do it’s part, our people must understand that a greater part of the task of avoiding road accidents at this time lies on each of us.Needless overspending, drunk driving and night travels should be avoided at all costs”.

Governor Ikpeazu further assures that the people of Abia State should celebrate this Christmas with the full assurance that their security is fully assured as Government has fortified the existing security architecture across the state. The Governor warned hoodlums, criminals and mischief makers who would want to capitalize on the festivities to perpetrate crimes to steer clear of the state as a massive surprise awaits them.

The Governor is particularly delighted that our home grown and processed ABIA RICE has been all over our markets serving the needs of our people across the state, especially at a time like this when there is a ban on the importation of foreign rice. He congratulate Abia Rice Farmers on this milestone achievement of producing enough rice for our people and urged Abians to be proud of this singular achievement. He assured that in the coming year, greater impetus will be added to our Rice Farmers through the construction of more Cottage Rice Mills to increase their productivity.

Governor Okezie Ikpeazu salutes the Abia workforce and assures them of the unwavering commitment of his administration to their welfare and expressed delight that his instruction that no Abia worker should go for the Christmas without his salary has been fully carried out by the appropriate organs of government.

On ongoing road projects, Ikpeazu assured that the tempo will be sustained vigorously especially on the 14 active sites, assuring further that between now and the end of the current dry season, serious grounds would have been covered on several projects.

Ikpeazu thanked the people of the State for their prayers and continued support for his administration and reassures our people that his commitment to a better Abia remains rock solid.

The Governor ends his message by thanking God for preserving our lives to see yet another Christmas and prays God to bless the good people of Abia State.

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