OPINION: Ikpeazu and the Haul of Critics - Mkpa

Posted by Brenda Mkpa | 5 years ago | 1,545 times


According to an anonymous quote “An acquaintance merely enjoys your company, a fair-weather companion flatters when all is well, a true friend has your best interests at heart and the pluck to tell you what you need to hear.” “You have to lift a person up before you can really put them in their place.”

The quote above rightly explains what constructive criticism is.

As much as I am not keen about what people say or do not say, the fact remains that when constructive Criticism comes into play, people tend to naturally realize their faults or mistakes and tilt towards the right action.

It is also however not uncommon to have many critics of governments but it is disheartening to see people veer off from the truth, thus making governance a difficult task.
This also makes sycophancy thrive and hatred the order of the day even when the actor is right.

Having said that, I have watched with keen interest happenings in Abia lately. It worries me why we derive pleasure in bringing down a government either because it didn't go our way or because we ordinarily do not like the occupant of the highest seat in the state, or because we don't belong to the same political party. This action however, blinds us from realizing that we are from the same state and whatever is wrong with the state,is wrong with us to.

Imagine someone saying, "Abia is cursed", it literally means you are a cursed being.
Achieving the Abia of our dream is a collective responsibility. You must be a good follower to become a good leader.
For me, inasmuch as we must have allegiance, what is utmost is to ensure speedy infrastructure development to ensure socio-economic development of the state, which will in turn enhance the lives of citizens and residents, which can be achieved through "constructive criticism ".

One thing,we have also failed to understand is that if God wants to bless or lift a man, He can do so through anybody including your worst enemy, ask Mordecai of the Christians Holy Book.

Every man raises on the shoulder of another. And once it is your time, not even the ancestors in your village can stop that and God does that so that men can fear Him and to His glory.

This is the story of the present Governor of Abia State, Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu whom most of us knows his story. Yes, he dreamt big, had plans of a better tomorrow but never envisaged that one day, he will emerge the first citizen of Abia state but like David, when Samuel came to anoint a man in the house of Jesse, he looked on those he felt had the capacity on the outside to become kings, but they were all rejected by God because it wasn't their time to lead the people of Israel, and he asked"is there someone still remaining in the house of Jesse"paraphrased and David who was tending his sheep, who did not envisage kingship at that point was called and the assumed not qualified,was annointed as instructed by God.

Don't forget his reign wasn't as pleasant as his selection, but yet because he was the chosen of the Lord, nothing stopped his reign for as long God desired.

So is the story of Dr. Ikpeazu. Men who had godfathers, men who had all the connections, men who commanded respect in the society and men whose money could speak for them were chosen in the prelude to the elections, even those from his supposed inclination but all were found wanting and a man who was busy attending to all the refuse in Aba and it's environs was chosen instead.

Also be reminded that men who didn't know him rallied support for him, within and outside the state and the nation. This is what GRACE does for a man. His time was ripe and God ensured that he emerged against all odds especially to who did not believe in the wonders of GRACE.

That does not take away the fact that he has his weaknesses, just like David did.
Those weaknesses do not take away the "God factor " on someone's life. After all,all of us have weaknesses and yet live with them while asking for grace to overcome them.
David was personally chosen by God, but committed more sins and yet described as a man after God's heart. It is called the God factor.

Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu enjoys the "GRACE and God factor". Hate him or love, he is destined for the throne in a time as this.

All he needs is your support and prayers.
His emergence as governor may not be pleasant to many but God uses the foolish things of the word to confound the wise.
In his almost three years in office, he has done what 16 years administration could not do. In my argument, I tell people that if others who came before him prepared the way, it would have been a lot more easier.

Take it or leave, he inherited a lot of challenges that even if he was a magician, it would be difficult for him to satisfy the curiosity of all Abians.
His emergence might be a problem to many, but when God is involved protocols are broken.

I have tried to come to terms with some of the issues surrounding the present administration but I end up with what I called "simply graced" like one of my friends will say.
Since 1999, Abia have never been as fortunate as it is in having a government whose interest is to ensure better live for the people.

Most of the people talking about how bad the governor has fared so far are those like me who prays that like an act of miracle the road leading to my father's house in the village and the backyard be tared as seen in other parts of the state, alas even if he has the next 16 years in power, he will not satisfy us all, hence, the need to appreciate his efforts and keep praying our time comes.

A friend of mine from Akwa Ibom state called and said to me " I didn't know this your Governor but from inception I had an inclination he would be better than others and he hasn't failed me" and I asked why? His response was simple " economic activities in my state is gradually picking up because of his road infrastructure development because whatever affects Abia,affects us".
I was surprised but the truth is our people in Abia are the architect of our own problems. We don't see the good in us.

The rate at which infrastructure development in Abia is taking place especially in Aba is alarming, places that were considered inaccessible are gradually seeing life. Our young men are women are beginning to be taught how to fish instead of giving them fish through vocational trainings home and abroad( it is not chop, I chop ministry) For the first time in my life, I am eating rice produced in Abia over three decades of my life on earth. Our products are getting international acclaim, the road to my community has become motorable and youths are now actively involved in policy making of the state, the health sector is not left out,among others.
He plays no politics of bitterness but of unity, justice and love. He believes in the ability of all to bring their expertise to bare to move the state forward.

For me, I even think he should slow down because he is so much in a hurry to please those who do not see good in him.(This is my opinion and you are entitled to yours.)
Fortunately, he has a wife who could be described as the "Tabitha" of our time.
Her passion for the downtrodden in the society is second to none. She can't stand the sight of the less privileged in the society. Hence, her passion to give their lives a meaning.

Deaconess Nkechinyere Okezie Ikpeazu is a woman of virtue. She is not deterred by critics and always in a hurry to ensure that "widows" have a roof over their heads, and the motherless and fatherless food on their table and education for a better tomorrow, thus fulfilling the scripture "pure religion that is undefiled before God is visiting the motherless and fatherless and widows in their afflictions".

While their are still so many challenges to surmount, let's not take away the fact that Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu means well for Ndi Abia and her visitors, and instead of baseless critics, we all encourage his efforts. After all, an igbo adage says "ekelee one akidi,ya agwota ozo", meaning if you appreciate someone for his good acts, he does more". Even God himself enjoys appreciation, little wonder He said "my glory I shall not share with any man".

The government of Dr. Okezie Ikpeazu will have no option but like the lizard to look up and down,left and right, and having seen that he has done what his predecessors couldn't and knows that posterity will remember him for good, taps himself and says"i have done a good job, though my best may not be good enough".

Rather than engage in baseless critics of the present administration, I suggest we all first of all,take a look at where we have been, where we are and where we intend to be in the nearest future, then bring it to the table, let's discuss and diverse means of achieving a better Abia of our dreams.

Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu is God's sent and we must do all we can to help him achieve a better Abia where investment is the order of the day, unemployment reduced, our products a global brand and seats among the committy of states across Nigeria and beyond

Brenda Mkpa writes from Ugwueke


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