Is polygamy right for Christians?

Posted by FN Editor | 3 years ago | 1,735 times

Bishop Humphrey Erumaka writes...

I have been in a long argument defending Monogamy instead of Polygamy for Christians and I would like you to benefit and adjudge my stand on this.

 Its been a long talk here on the subject of polygamy and monogamy, I allowed it because this platform is for desolving of doubts and chewing of hard sentences. 
I know Evans from Minna Nigeria and he opined that he is writing a thesis not planning to marry another wife except if that position has changed.
If the previous is still the position then here is my comment on this long debated matter which would come in segments.

Jesus is our saviour and our LORD. we accept his Lordship by holding sacred his comments and commandments,we accept his amendments of even ancient practices without arguments based on his Lordship over us. Jesus spoke about this.
Anything that crosses the cross and remained is not an issue in Christianity but anything that crosses the cross and is cancelled or modified by the Lord also remains untouchable. Jesus spoke explicitly concerning this issue that in the beginning it was not so referring even to the example God set by creating one Adam and one Eve not Eves ,even when the world was bare and needed quicker populating,here Jesus redirected us on what should remain. 

Polygamy has advantages of increasing tribal population for dominance which is what the Moslems are doing in Nigeria, Palestinians are doing in Israel and the Hispanics are doing in America. 
It mops up older ladies from the marriage market and create a sphere for the younger ones,it gives the women name and legitimacy to have legitimate children but if God in his infinite wisdom does not recommend it for us, in obedience to his unqeustionable Lordship just like we dont question God when we loose our dear one we accept it as our lot not even because it is pleasant to our flesh.

To be candid everyman including me needs another woman either as a wife or as a side chic,the fact that you love your wife and choose your most beautiful wife like mine has not changed the hormones in you to desire another, then that is where self control as a fruit of the spirit comes in.
Just like stealing and occultism has advantage of quick success.Rigging,lying,and exam cheating the same. By advantage i mean edge over others but it doesn't make them right in the same vein is Polygamy.
Sin is sweet because of the advantage it brings. So beyond any known advantage or who does it including the clergy and none clergy the question remains what did christ our Lord say for today's Christian.

 Polygamy does not solve any morale problem.If you doubt me as solomon.
Ask David how many wives he had before he saw Betshiba.Any man with many wives have developed a voracious appetite for more women, no womaniser is faithful to few women. The day you start chasing another woman or man other than your spouse  you have started chasing other women or men. Monogamous men have lesser tendency to adulterous lifestyle per limited exposure than the polygamous ones.imagine if you marry any woman you feel sex for to avoid adultery how many wives you would have by now.
The Mormons who practice this starts with two women and end up with 20 yet they are never satisfied until they start sleeping with their daughters to raise a city.self control remains the key.

There are many sins not mentioned categorically  in the Bible because God knows that self control can handle it.

 The assignment to populate the world is not for one man else God would have given Adam one hundred wives and a million children in a month. Thats not the speed he designed it. He is always gradual and progressive, why would he even allow pregnancy to be nine months if he was in a haste to populate the world. That is not his idea of modeling a family. 
We are not in competition with the moslems to unduly populate the earth and create chaos,with isis Hisbola,janjaweeds, almajiris,Boko haramist and society scoundrels No.
If that's the concept then we don't even need  marriage, men should be raping women anyhow just to boost population.Men should be grabbing female under age children with a womb to populate the earth,these are the line Islam has toed because of quest for political population. The children of Pennina were many but one quality son in Samuel over took them all.

 Finally for now, if anyone is already married to multiple wives before becoming saved,let him remain faithful with them for you start with God wherever he meets  you. 
 At this point  the man is not assigned to leadership in church not because he is in sin but because he already has too much to handle at home to avoid double wahala.Church matter no easy.
So per the ethics of our calling under the covenant of Royal Priesthood as believers the concept of one man one wife remains sacrosanct. No ordained priest under the levitical standard married two wives if any in the old testament I have not seen any in the new testament including zechariah who would have done it at the heat of barrenness. Don't loose the fact that you are of a Royal Priesthood. 

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