Posted by Godwin Adindu | 8 years ago | 2,938 times

You know the fast lane; the extreme corner of the road where drivers throw caution to the wind and challenge the speedometer of their automobiles. The fast lane, beyond the expressway,   is also a metaphor of action and behavior.  It  has transformed into a social construct, with  meanings that signify a man and a woman  in a hurry and in desperation.  Uche Ogah, the President of the Masters Energy Group and the protagonist in the failed Abia civilian coup,  has suddenly thrown himself into the fast lane. I doubt if he will come out without regrets.

The fast lane, precisely,  is a stereotype that conjures  negative imageries. Therefore, it is hardly a compliment  for one  to be  described to be on the fast lane. An unassuming gentleman, Ogah  was never  known for the fast lane.  Save for  some criminal charges bordering on fraud and forgery in Lagos Law Courts which have dented an immaculate reputation of the soft-spoken gentleman of the oil wealth fame, Ogah has never been identified or associated with the fast lane of life. Until two weeks ago, his reputation spoke of  a man who carried himself with so much respectability.

For instance, after he lost out in the December  2014 PDP Primary Election, he walked away gently and later made a donation of N5 million to the Okezuo Abia Campaign team. He enjoys a soaring reputation in Abia as a philanthropist. And in his Uturu community, he transformed an otherwise rural clan into a modern estate with boulevards and landscaping. On one or two occasions when I met Ogah, I felt in love with his calm demeanour  and humility and saw a future leader in him.  Given the  compatibility of his humanely  nature and his wealth,  I was convinced he will be able to display the rare attribute of combining  remorse with power- the hallmark of leadership.

But, all these propositions shattered last two weeks when Ogah suddenly jumped  unto the fast lane. Why has he suddenly developed a maddening desperation to become governor ? Why has he chosen the path of infamy in his pursuit of power? It is very unfortunate to imagine the harm that has been inflicted on Ogah by those who led him on this dangerous part. Those who urged him on this mission have  deliberately ruined a very promising political career and damaged a very great reputation that was ahead of the kind gentleman.

There is what the Igbos call aruruala.  I do not know how to translate it in English and capture the disguised treachery in a seeming goodness. This is the harm that has been inflicted on Ogah by those who led him on this desperate ambition. It will take only a few insightful people to understand and appreciate my drift. Only a precious few with a discerning spirit will look beyond the veil to see the enormity of the harm inflicted on Ogah.  In few months to come, when the spell of inordinate ambition would have cleared, Ogah would look back to understand he had been deceived and sabotaged by the people who seemed to mean good to him. In a deep moment of introspection when the wool had left his eyes and the aphrodisiac evaporates,  he will be able to see clearly the harm that has been done to his future political prospects.

Why do I argue thus? I say so because among the top political gladiators in Abia North today none can match Ogah in terms of goodwill across the state. None can match his general acceptability across board. None can match his wealth, both in cash and in emotional investment. He has not stepped on toes and has no liabilities of political traducers. He is coming to the stage clean and unbridled.   And, above all, he has age going for him and belongs to the new dispensation. Thus,   by the  appointed time  when power returns to  Abia North, Uche  Ogah would have, indisputably, been the best and most popular choice.

Ogah would have had friends and followers across the length and breadth of the state. But, today, he has hurt a large segment of the state, a strong homogeneous bloc, the Ukwa Ngwas who are having their first shot in power since the creation of earth. He has also disappointed many good men of conscience from the other parts of the state who believe in equity and social justice.  By attempting to distort the Abia Charter of Equity  upon which framework, the  PDP zone the governorship slot to Abia South, Ogah has also transgressed against the party. And because justice is of God, he has also transgressed against God and contravened the cosmic laws of cause and effect. He has broken a very formidable reputation and a broken skull heels faster than a broken reputation.

Indeed, this is the tragedy of the fast lane. It is an underground lifestyle that keep you perpetually in anxiety and under the prying eyes of the law and make you an unwanted friend to the men of the Intelligence Bureau. Those who succeed flaunt their wealth publicly to the envy and admiration of us all.   The unlucky ones remain slammed behind  bars and languish for years in jail. They live the later part of their lives in pain and regret. The fast lane, therefore, is not the best of options.

Indeed, it is painful to contemplate the enormity of the aruruala meted out to the fine gentleman. He did not thick twice and prayerfully. He did not weigh the options against his future prospects and realize that all he needed was patience. He was so much driven  that his ambition  became worthier than the blood of Abians that would have been  shed on that fateful Thursdays and in the following days.  Any action of man that is capable of distorting the order of peace can never be ordained.

Today, I feel for Ogah. I am touched that he is a victim of aruruala. I think about how a great reputation can easily be destroyed.

Adindu is the President-general of the Abia Renaissance Movement.

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